Dealing with the discovery of hijab is multifaceted and requires a combined policy package – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Saeed Jabri Ansari, in a meeting with activists and cultural elites of Alborz province, stated that in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to first have a detailed understanding of the problem itself, and stated: We should also be careful about the phenomenon of uncovering the hijab. This phenomenon has different cultural, social, security and political dimensions.
He stated: The issue of dealing with the phenomenon of uncovering the hijab requires a comprehensive policy package in various areas and it cannot be solved simply as a simple and normal social issue.
Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance Alborz stated: Today, hostile movements inside and outside the country used the issue of the hijab as an excuse for anti-security measures against the Islamic system, which undoubtedly requires combined measures and preventive measures in the event of a social threat. It is security.
Emphasizing the explanation of Islam’s beautiful view and image of the importance of women’s privacy, position and position, he added: Most of the people who today are involved in the problem of wearing hijab or uncovering the hijab are generally due to negligence or under the influence of the enemy’s psychological operations, which for these people are ours. We need a cultural and positive approach.
The discovery of hijab as a sinister historical project and a show of enemies will fail
Jabri Ansari pointed out: Undoubtedly, repeating the issue of discovering the hijab as a sinister historical project of the enemies will also face failure, because the hijab and outward sobriety, religious and national identity are the essence and the main structure of Iranian society.
He said: On the other hand, the factor affecting the escalation of the existing situation of bad clothing is politicization of a cultural and value issue; In other words, the occurrence of this phenomenon in some strata may be a kind of political behavior.
The secretary of Alborz Province General Culture Council stated: This means that some people who wear hijab may be because of their crooked mouth and opposition to the country’s political rule, and these people may want to express their dissatisfaction in this way.
He stated: It is very clear that the root of such behaviors and attitudes towards the hijab category is because the hijab is a moral doctrine that is officially promoted by the country’s political system.
We have to be multifaceted about obscenity
Jabri Ansari stated: We must be multi-faceted and consider different dimensions to provide solutions regarding veiling and solutions to this multi-caused phenomenon and social damage.
He pointed out: Not taking this issue seriously and thinking that the issue of hijab is a marginal issue is a wrong thinking and the legislative system should have appropriate legislation for this issue.
Director General of Islamic Culture and Guidance Alborz noted: For example, with various encouraging, punitive and control approaches, especially in the field of education, as a government institution, the necessity and importance of institutionalizing the culture of chastity and hijab can be included in educational textbooks.