Europe and AmericaInternational

Decreasing Biden’s popularity and increasing dissatisfaction with his performance

According to a new poll by the Associated Press (NORC) Public Relations Research Center, Biden’s popularity, one of the slogans of which was to unite and restore competence in the government, has declined, according to the report.
According to the report, now 50% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance and another 49% do not approve of him. Biden had a 54% approval rating in August and 59% in the US in July.
Reasons for Biden’s declining popularity include the tumultuous US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the inhumane treatment of Haiti by US border guards, the grave threat from the Corona delta in the country, and Biden’s efforts to approve tax, infrastructure and economic policies in Congress.

Biden’s popularity among Democrats and independents has also declined. Since July, his popularity has fallen from 92 percent to 85 percent among Democrats and from 62 percent to 38 percent among independents who are not affiliated with any Democratic or Republican faction. Biden’s popularity among Republicans has not changed, with 11 percent still endorsing his performance.

Only 34% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. In the first months of Biden’s presidency, more than half the American people had a different opinion.
The poll also found that 47 percent of those polled said Biden’s economic performance was unchanged from last month, up from 60 percent in March.
Also, 57% of Americans believe that Biden has performed well in corona management. Biden had a similar popularity rate in August, but in July more than 69 percent of Americans approved of the president’s coronation performance.
Forty-six percent of Americans consider Biden’s performance in national security acceptable and 52 percent unacceptable.
The poll, conducted following the announcement of a US-Australian-British cooperation agreement (ACUS), found that 50 percent of Americans consider their government’s relationship with allies acceptable.
Of those polled, only 35 percent said Biden’s performance in managing asylum seekers was acceptable, down from 43 percent in April.
The poll was conducted among 1,099 American citizens from September 23 to 27 (October 1 to 5) with a margin of error of 4.2 percent.


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