Banking and insuranceEconomical

Deposit 22% interest on Parsian Insurance life insurance policies

According to the monetary financial news quoted by Parsian Insurance Public Relations, quoted by the management of individual life insurance of this company, the profit of participation in the benefits of Parsian life insurance policies including life and investment insurance and life and savings in the year 99 It was announced at 22%.

According to this report, for the holders of Parsian Insurance life insurance savings in 1999, a profit equal to 22% has been allocated to their life insurance account.

Parsian Insurance is always one of the leading companies in the field of life and investment insurance, which every year, in addition to allocating technical benefits on account and profit sharing profits, also offers desirable insurance coverage. There are also various plans in the field of life and investment insurance such as family plan insurance, providing individual health insurance to life and investment insurance holders and که which are among the benefits of buying life insurance and investment Parsian.

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