“Dirty mouse”, a nickname that Disney erased from the forehead of Zionism!

According to the reporter of Tawana Journalist Club, following the 2 million dollar aid of Disney Company to the Zionist regime during the recent war, we plan to get to know more about this Zionist company. The childhood memories of many people in the world are tied to the name of Disney, and there are few people who have not heard the name of this cartoon and animation company. Mickey Mouse, The Lion King, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Sadwick the Spotted Dog, Robin Hood, The Devil and the Lovely, Hercules, Tarzan, Lasso, and… are examples of the works of the Disney company that attract young people and parents and children from It has fascinated him for a long time.
Have you ever wondered who is the founder of the media and entertainment company Disney? “Walter Elias Disney” is an American of Jewish origin, founder and founder of the Disney Company. Walt Disney, together with his brother “Roy Oliver Disney”, who was an American businessman, founded the Disney Brothers Studio, and Mickey Mouse was his first cartoon character.
dirty mouse
A point that many people may not be aware of is that Walt Disney, by entering the world of children and animation, erased the stigma that had plagued the Zionists for years. A hundred years ago, anywhere in the world, if you used the term “Dirty Mouse”, everyone would have understood that you meant the Zionists. But Walt Disney made it so that after hearing the phrase “dirty mouse” today, the minds of few people in the world go to Zionism. The origin of attributing the title of dirty mouse to Zionists goes back to about 700 years ago and maybe even earlier.
black plague
The story is related to the 14th century, that is, about 700 years ago. The Black Plague became the most devastating pandemic. The plague epidemic hit Europe in its peak period between 1347 and 1353 AD. It was the first major pandemic in Europe and the second major pandemic in the world. Surveys indicate that one third of Iran’s population was killed by the plague in that period. Since the Jews were known as enemies and hateful creatures to the Christians, the persecution of the Jews on the charge of polluting the water wells with the intention of destroying the Christians and finding mercy on them began in 1348 AD. The strange thing is that after the torture, the Jews confessed to their sinister goals for the spread of the plague and then the destruction of the Christians and their domination over them, and the evidence indicated an international Jewish conspiracy originating from Spain. When the Black Death epidemic ended, restrictive and harsh laws were imposed on the remaining population.
The global hatred of Zionism and the attribution of the title of dirty rat can be seen in some films of the middle of the 20th century, where Jewish immigrants are equated with rats.
Anti-hate operation
But the question is, how did Walt Disney remove this stigma? If you pay attention to Walt Disney’s works, often the characters, or at least the main character, is a smart and lovable mouse. The character of Mickey Mouse, the first character created by Walt Disney, is one of the most popular and famous of these mice, which has a worldwide reputation and is a proof of this claim.
In 1948 and after the establishment of the usurping Zionist regime, Western cinema committed to Jewish ideals with more firm steps turned dirty mice into more lovable creatures for the world, and almost everywhere the name of Walt Disney is mentioned, the name of Mickey Mouse comes to mind. It happens and vice versa. Such as Dumbo, Cinderella, The Rescuers, Detective Big Mouse and Ratatouille.
In the years 1940 to 1957, the Metro Goldwyn Mayer company, which was founded by two Jews named William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, created its universally popular characters, the stupid cat and the smart and lovable mouse. He presented to the world a well-made animation entitled Tom and Jerry. But in the mentioned process, there was never an end for global Zionism.
Mission of Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry
With the establishment of the usurping Zionist regime, this process became more intense, and at the same time, the increasing influence of the Zionists in the Western media led to the presentation of a positive, attractive and, of course, lovable image of the mouse, limited to Jewish companies such as Disney and leading animations. Don’t be like Mickey Mouse. In this way, after the end of the Second World War, the western media as a pawn in the hands of Zionism, by making all kinds of movies, serials and animations, were able to depict their character in the symbolic and symbolic face of the mouse in an oppressed way. and to reach the highest level of intelligence and tact in the public mind.
In other words, although the animations of Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry are considered the most important projects of the Zionists to purify the face of the dirty mouse, it should not be forgotten that during the past sixty years, the films and visual collections in which the mouse was present are out of the list and in this context You can find many works in which the mouse has a pivotal role, and for this reason, western cinema has always proved its commitment to the goals of the Zionists by bringing out all its potential and possibilities.
Of course, it should be noted that in recent years and with the scandalous defeats of the Zionists during the 33-day war in Lebanon in 2006, the Zionists tried to restore their homeland by making a special animation in 2007; An animation called Ratatouille, which is about a mouse interested in cooking. There were many oppositions against this mouse, but he was able to manage him and overcome all oppositions by placing himself in the cooking hat of a person who could not cook. Ratatouille takes place in France and finally ends with the victory of the dirty mice as genius cooks and the guidance and leadership of the apparent cooks and finally their victory over the people of this land.
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