Marriage and familysocial

Dismantling the “betrayal test” with whistle-blowing reports of Fars news agency / from fake shows to astronomical incomes

According to Fars news agency, according to reports that concernMendas In order to prevent the production of new content that promoted breaking the norms in the family sphere in the cyber space, news reports with the titles “Whistle blowing Promoting disobedience and destroying the foundation of family trust by testing betrayal” and “whistleblowing”. The story of the multi-million betrayal test and the release of hidden camera videos” was published in Fars news agency.

According to the above reports, some young people contact groups in cyberspace to ensure the loyalty of their future or current life partner, to expose their fiancee or spouse to another person and to ensure their emotional honesty.

In order to get more information, we got in touch with one of these groups on Instagram, who explained their work process as follows: first, for 3 days, they communicate with the target person in the form of business issues, and then in the next 3 days, a friend request is made. Does the emotional partner establish a friendly relationship with the predetermined person in these stages or is he loyal to his previous relationship.

Also, for the moral and social harms of such actions, we contacted experts in the field of psychology and sociology, who, while examining the harms and negative effects of these activities on the family foundation, emphasized the need to deal with the current situation.

Supervision of cultural guardians to justify perpetrators of treason test

Based on what was discussed, the income of several tens of millions from the high number of views of cheating test clips on YouTube had encouraged other groups to engage in such activities. Following the whistle-blowing group of Fars news agency and the cooperation of cultural trustees, we contacted the management of the main cheating test channels on YouTube. During meetings, they agreed to stop their activities in this area and removed their products from their virtual page.

People’s feedbacks from watching cheating test clips show that the audience of these contents believed that the shows filmed in the form of a hidden camera narrate real stories, while the creators of these clips emphasized the unreality of cheating tests and gained the motivation to work in this field. They raise income from high views of clips on YouTube.

The managers of these virtual pages have explained the story-making process to the performance of the show in a video format and published it on their YouTube channel so that the audience of these contents can be sure that the betrayal test narratives are fake.

Redline group

group HaydenBoys (Hidden Boys)

group PrankTheGirls(Prank girls)

Earning YouTube is importantthe most The motivation of the directors of the betrayal test

As can be seen in the above clips, according to the opinion of the experts and cultural guardians of the country, the directors of the Betrayal Test acknowledged the moral and social damage of these contents and emphasized the theatricality of the produced clips, in such a way that they regretted their performance and asked the audience of the pages. The above virtual ones have apologized.

It was also mentioned that in order to earn maximum income from viewing, they usually did not produce and publish clips with the negative content of the infidelity and loyalty test of the person in question, because it was less attractive to the audience and less income was obtained for them.

Usually, they did not produce clips with the loyalty content of the target person, because less income was obtained for them.

plusride it To ensure the audience that the betrayal test scenarios are fake, parts of the behind-the-scenes of the shows have been included in the above clips, although it is likely that more details of the behind-the-scenes and specific events of the betrayal tests will be published in the near future.

Based on what was presented, the content of the so-called infidelity test was not only not real, but was created only to earn money, and its destructive effects, if continued, could destroy the moral values ​​of the family and society.

It should be noted that we have appreciated the cultural trustees for justifying the main performers of the treason test, and we also consider the apology and expression of regret of the perpetrators of these anti-cultural acts to the honorable people of Iran as a starting point for their charitable activities so that the talent of our youth is used in the direction of scientific progress and spiritual advancement. to be

In the end, we announce that Fars News Agency’s whistleblowing system is ready to receive your reports in ten areasGaneh It is corruption, so that with the media monitoring of the current affairs of the country, we can witness the increasing success of the Islamic system and the provincial society.

end of Message/

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