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Does collagen cause facial obesity?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is found not only in body tissues but also in bones, skin, hair and nails. To help maintain the health of the body and improve the beauty and clarity of the skin, it is necessary to maintain collagen levels in the body at the desired level. As you age, collagen production in the body decreases. To slow down this process, you can use collagen pills or collagen creams. Many collagen supplement users question the link between collagen pills and facial obesity. Follow us to check this issue in the continuation of this article.

What we read in this article

What does collagen do for the body?

Collagen protein is a basic building block in the body that connects ligaments, bones, tendons and skin. Collagen acts as a glue in the body and is also involved in metabolism. Some of the most important functions of collagen in the body are as follows:

  • Help build muscle
  • Strengthen the bones
  • Improve joint health
  • Helps rejuvenate the skin
  • Maintain heart health

As mentioned, collagen is also effective in metabolism. But does it cause obesity?

How does facial obesity occur?

As a result of weight gain and body obesity, facial obesity is achieved. No substance or drug can act locally and is only effective in fattening the face and has no effect on other parts of the body. Now let’s look at how the face can get fat:

Excess calorie intake

Before examining the relationship between collagen pills and facial obesity, you should know that obesity occurs only if the amount of calories you consume per day is more than the amount of calories you burn through activity. When you consume too many calories, your body stores it as fat. It does not matter if the extra calories are from fat, protein or carbohydrates. In any case, if the body does not need it, it stores it and creates overweight. Eating just 500 extra calories a day can help you gain about half a kilo a week.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important causes of obesity. People with occupations that require them to sit at a computer for hours are at high risk for obesity. The key to solving this problem is to exercise during non-working hours.

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Underlying diseases of obesity

In some cases, there may be an underlying condition that prevents you from losing weight. Thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances and autoimmune disorders sometimes cause significant weight gain, which also manifests itself in the face and makes it appear fatter. Taking certain medications, such as antidepressants, may also lead to obesity.

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The link between collagen pills and obesity

Collagen consumption does not cause weight gain, but it does improve metabolism. Collagen is a protein that has been scientifically proven in some articles to keep people full longer. A study of overweight diabetics found that hydrolyzed collagen stimulated the secretion of satiety hormones into the bloodstream and helped patients reduce their appetite and feel full longer.

Therefore, instead of increasing weight and obesity, collagen supplements have a somewhat appetite suppressant role and support healthy weight loss. Collagen supplements usually do not contain any hormones, fattening compounds or extra calories that can cause facial and body obesity.

Collagen used in dietary supplements is usually cholesterol-free because it is hydrolyzed. In this case, only collagen peptides remain and nothing else.

The role of collagen in skin health

Collagen pills and obesity have nothing to do with each other. But some people may find their face full by taking this supplement. What could be the reason for this? Collagen pills prevent skin wrinkles, soften and soften the skin, prevent sagging skin and generally help rejuvenate the skin. After taking collagen pills, drastic changes occur in the skin. This supplement is even effective in regenerating skin cells. Because of these significant changes, you may think that your face is obese, while this supplement does not cause obesity.

If you notice obesity in your body or face while taking collagen pills, you should look for the cause in other factors. Because as we explained, collagen pills and obesity are not related to each other, and this supplement can be useful even in losing weight.

Take collagen pills and help improve metabolism

Weight gain may occur as a result of a slow metabolism in the body, meaning that the body’s metabolism is not optimal. In this case, along with a healthy diet and choosing an active lifestyle, you can also use collagen pills. Collagen helps the body build lean muscle mass. Building lean muscle mass helps burn calories more efficiently and supports proper metabolism. In this case, losing weight will be easier for you.

Effects of collagen reduction on the skin

Tips to help with facial obesity

It is important to note that there is no supplement that can only affect your facial obesity and does not change obesity elsewhere. So do not be fooled by the false advertisements of some manufacturers of fattening supplements. For facial obesity, which of course leads to obesity in other organs, you can use the following solutions:

  • Take Zinc Pills or Zinc Plus Pills
  • Use of B vitamins
  • Do yoga exercises to tighten facial muscles

Another solution is to use an injection of gel, oil or filler for your facial skin under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, the face will certainly look fuller. Of course, this change is temporary and after about 1 year, the face will return to its original state.

Concluding remarks

In this article, we examined the relationship between collagen pill use and facial obesity. From what has been said, it can be concluded that collagen supplement not only does not cause weight gain but also is effective in regulating metabolism and helping to lose weight. Therefore, safely use collagen supplement to maintain the health of your skin. Since this supplement reduces wrinkles and skin clarity, it can definitely be effective in making your face look more beautiful.

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