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Does L-Arginine help treat hair loss?

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, of which hereditary and genetic factors play a major role. Stress and anxiety, hormonal disorders and some diseases can be other causes of hair loss. Nutrient deficiencies, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, should also be taken seriously, as hair loss is closely linked to nutrition. In this article, we will examine the relationship between L-arginine and hair loss. Can L-Arginine Pills Prevent Hair Loss?

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The effect of L-arginine on hair health

Several important studies have shown that L-arginine has positive anti-aging effects on our body physiology. Improving the strength of hair and nails is one of the things that can be attributed to the benefits of L-arginine. L-Arginine is an amino acid that can not only help maintain healthy hair, reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the immune system, improve stomach problems, eliminate erectile dysfunction and help burn fat. Here’s how L-arginine affects hair health:

Protects hair from damage caused by hair dye and dechlorination

Constant dechlorination and coloring of hair damages the health of hair and destroys hair texture. One study found that arginine may counteract the damaging and debilitating effects of hydrogen peroxide in a variety of hair dyes and hair coloring products. This study showed that when you dye your hair, hydrogen peroxide attacks the natural proteins in the hair structure, causing the hair to lose strength. In this study, researchers replaced ammonia in hair dye with arginine and showed that arginine actually enters hair tissue and gives hair more strength.

Stimulation of hair follicles with arginine and nitrous oxide

We will explain the relationship between L-arginine and hair loss. But before that, you should know that the role of arginine in hair growth may also be related to its association with nitrous oxide. Especially people who have low levels of nitric oxide in their diet can improve the health of their hair by consuming L-arginine. One of the important functions of L-arginine in the body is to help produce nitric oxide. This substance has vasodilating effects and increases hair growth by improving blood flow to the scalp. This stimulates the hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.

L-arginine and hair loss

L-arginine is believed to increase nitric oxide in the body. As previously mentioned, nitric oxide increases blood flow and improves hair loss by stimulating hair follicles and strengthening hair follicles. This substance can also be used topically. Minoxidil is one of the most common hair loss treatments in which nitric oxide may be used. If you use this substance topically, the hair follicles will be strengthened and as a result, hair loss will be reduced.


Consume L-arginine sources to stop hair loss

Under normal circumstances, the body can produce and synthesize the amino acid L-arginine for hair. But men and women who have previously suffered from hair loss due to stressful situations or nutritional deficiencies may not be able to produce adequate levels of L-arginine in their bodies. If you think your hair loss is related to stress or diet, include more arginine-rich foods such as beef, seafood, chicken and dairy products in your diet. Plant sources of arginine include wheat, oatmeal, nuts and peas.

Now that we know that L-arginine and hair loss are related, it must be said that a more serious treatment for hair loss due to amino acid deficiency, such as L-arginine, is to use an L-arginine supplement that can be obtained without a doctor’s prescription. In general, a healthy, protein-rich diet reduces stress levels and improves hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp. Be sure to include L-arginine and all amino acids in your diet.

Sources of L-Arginine

How much L-arginine should we take to stop hair loss?

Treatment of hair loss should be determined according to its cause. If the cause is related to nutritional deficiencies, in some cases, taking amino acids (such as L-arginine) can help cut or reduce it. So, for example, if hormonal disorders have caused you to lose hair, never imagine that you will get better by taking L-arginine pills.

There is no standard dose for daily use of L-arginine, but the usual dose is 2 to 3 grams three times a day. Doses higher than this amount have not shown any side effects in most studies, but it is generally recommended not to use more than 9 grams of L-arginine per day. Be aware that excessive consumption of amino acids can also cause hair loss; Therefore, do not increase your dose arbitrarily.

Concluding remarks

L-arginine and hair loss are related in that this amino acid can increase blood flow to the scalp by increasing the production of nitric oxide in the body and prevent hair loss by enhancing hair growth. However, keep in mind that not all types of hair loss can be treated with L-arginine supplementation, because the cause of this complication must first be determined by a doctor and then a treatment plan must be provided. The main use of L-arginine in the treatment of heart problems, erectile dysfunction, muscle building, improving athletic performance and fat burning, and the use of this amino acid to enhance hair growth is in the next stages.

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