Donation of 21 sets of dowries to the poor in Beileswar city – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Sahib Ali Asghari said on Monday evening at the dowry giving ceremony to needy Russians under the cover of Imam Khomeini (RA) Bilehsawar Relief Committee: These items include TV, refrigerator, gas stove, washing machine and vacuum cleaner.
He announced the Rial value of each of these dowries at 220 million Rials and said: These dowries are provided on the occasion of Unity Week and in the direction of institutionalizing easy marriage, encouraging young people to get married on time and helping the needy to build a life.
Governor Bilehsawar stated: Last year, 50 cases of dowries were given to the needy through the city’s relief committee, and about 11 more cases are in the next round for this year.
Asghari congratulated the week of unity and the birthday of the great prophet (pbuh) and declared that Prophet Muhammad is the epitome of unity and harmony between people and added: Arresting the needy was a characteristic of the prophet of mercy and kindness.
The governor of Beilesawar city announced that the promotion of prophetic and good morals in families is the guarantee of the life and survival of married couples and continued: following the prophetic, Alevi and Fatimid way of life together provides the basis for the education of successful people and children.