Banking and insuranceEconomical

Education and empowerment are the key to digital transformation

According to monetary news, quoting public relations, Dariush Mohammadi, CEO of Iran Insurance Company, said in a specialized panel on digital education and empowerment, which was held at the same time as the 28th National Conference on Insurance and Development in Mosallanejad Hall of Al-Zahra University: Empowering human resources is the key to digital transformation.

According to the report, Dariush Mohammadi, while speaking in the above specialized panel, while congratulating the insurance day to the activists of this industry, pointed out the importance of digital transformation and dedicated this year’s conference to such an important and strategic issue: Insurance for this important, staff training and special attention to digital culture is possible.

The CEO of Iran Insurance, Moein, added: “Recreating human resources in accordance with the characteristics of the digital age is an inevitable necessity, and studies show that in this direction, the organizational digital culture takes precedence over digital tools.”

It should be mentioned that in this specialized panel, which was chaired by Dariush Mohammadi, the following topics were discussed and Ms. Salmasi, Ghazaei, Nouri and Mr. Bagheri, Farhi, Yahya Zadeh, Foroughi, Karami, Azadmanesh, Molaei and Rahimian presented their findings and views. They worked in the following specialized fields;

– The need to pay attention to digital empowerment in the insurance industry

– Empowering human resources with a digital approach

– Talent management in the digital age

– Data-driven training and empowerment in the digital age

– Implementation of virtual reality in education

At the end of this specialized panel, which lasted more than two hours, Dariush Mohammadi summarized the presented topics and expressed hope that the strategic document of the insurance industry regarding digital transformation would be prepared with the presence of all industry stakeholders and with special attention to empowerment and education.

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