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Encouraging students to study in agricultural colleges – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Seyyed Mojtabi Khayam Nakoui, Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture and a member of the Supreme Council of Education, said at the meeting on food security and the role of the big family of education in its realization, held in the meeting hall of the council’s secretariat, that agriculture is the most complex sector that needs Elite people are efficient, capable and effective.

He stated: Food security is achieved when all people always have physical and economic access to sufficient, healthy, nutritious and halal food and this food provides the needs of a person for a healthy and active life.

Referring to the pillars of food security, the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Jihad said: first, availability (agricultural or national dimension): domestic production, trade, storage and extraterritorial cultivation, second, access (economic or household dimension): physical access and economic access, third: Consumption and health (individual dimension): consumption pattern, food health, dietary diversity, nutritional literacy, malnutrition and nutritional supplements, healthy drinking water and fourth stability and sustainability (resilience): resilience in adverse climatic, political, economic conditions and social and fifth, the sustainability of basic production resources.

By 2050, with the usual methods, it will not be enough to feed 9 billion people, and 1 billion people will remain hungry. Having money does not accelerate the possibility of preparing and buying food, but political relations will be the basis of selling food

Referring to the current state of food security in the world, Khayyam Nekui added: There are currently three types of food security in the world: one, people who have sufficient access to food both in terms of quality and quantity. The other is people who have moderate food security and do not have reliable access to food and have to make do with the same food that is available, and the last one is extreme food insecurity, people who experience extreme food insecurity and usually have difficulty finding food and in the worst case, one or They spend several days without food.

Referring to the future state of food security in the world, Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture stated: In the future, there will not be enough food and water in the world. The world population will reach 9 billion people in 2050. 60% of the world’s population (6.3 billion people) will be in drought conditions. More than 240 million people will not have access to safe water globally.

He stated: By 2050, it will not be enough to feed 9 billion people with the usual methods, and 1 billion people will remain hungry. Having money does not accelerate the possibility of preparing and buying food, but political relations will be the basis of selling food.

Referring to the current and future situation of food security in Iran, the member of the Supreme Council of Education said: In the future, there will not be enough food and water in Iran, and in 2050 there will be a 10% decrease in biodiversity, a 13% decrease in primary forests, and a 50% irreversible decrease. Aquatic biodiversity and population growth will increase the need for food and production.

Khayyam Nekoui stated: Knowledge-based agriculture is the solution to realizing a resistance economy and ensuring the sustainability of food security.

Referring to the national document and the knowledge base of sustainable food security, the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Jihad added: knowledge base of all activities through the development of the innovation system, outsourcing of non-governmental activities, responding to the needs of the implementation and non-governmental sector and future research, increasing national authority, Food security by increasing the penetration rate of management knowledge and technology, preservation and maintenance of basic resources (water, soil, forest and pasture and genetic resources) and education and training of farmers, operators and employees are among the things that should be given serious attention. Referring to the national model of agricultural production, he mentioned the productivity revolution with increasing the penetration of knowledge and technology, the jump in production in low-yielding rainfed fields, vegetable and summer cultivation in controlled environments, the cultivation of low-water fodder plants, and the cultivation of new oilseeds. named.

The member of the Supreme Council of Education, referring to the most important achievements of the action plan of the national document and knowledge base of the agricultural sector, added: sustainable food security increases water productivity by 18%, water consumption decreases by 6%, the self-reliance coefficient increases by 11%, and decreases by 2 billion dollars. imports and increases the income of farmers. Khayyam Nekui noted: 95% of human, livestock and poultry vaccines (3.5 billion doses), 75% of the country’s therapeutic serum, 97% of seed kernels and crops are produced and supplied in the country.

Pointing to the necessity of knowledge-based agriculture through the implementation of the system of innovations, he added: Science and Technology Park of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Technology and Innovation Village, Growth Centers, Organization of Non-Governmental Technology Units, Model Farms, Education, Promotion, Result-oriented Research. Agricultural Research and Technology Fund and startups and knowledge-based companies make this sector a reality.

Emphasizing on food security and the role of the big family of education in its realization, he said: Education is the basic pillar of the development of the agricultural sector and can institutionalize the importance of the agricultural sector in the society through education, explanation and culture.

Referring to the biodiversity of the world in 2050, the Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture pointed out: the reduction of biodiversity, the reduction of forests, the increase of artificial forests and the increase of costs to prevent the reduction and destruction of forests are among the most important events in the field of biodiversity. Referring to climate change, the member of the Supreme Council of Education said: The increase in greenhouse gases, the increase in CO2 production, and the increase in the temperature of the environment are among the climate changes in the world.

Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture, referring to the training to preserve and maintain the basic resources of production (soil), said: a natural, changing and dynamic body that is the result of a series of physical, chemical and biological reactions on the earth’s crust or mother rock, which is affected by water, climate and Living organisms develop on it over time.

He added: It takes a century to produce one centimeter of soil, and part of the reason for the fall of civilizations in history is due to the destruction and exhaustion of the soil.

Khayyam Nekui stated: The most important strategies for preserving and maintaining the basic resources of production, protection of the country’s forests, restoration, development and basic exploitation of pastures, watershed management and soil protection, combating desertification and stabilization of quicksand and modern irrigation networks can be implemented in this effective way.

Referring to Iran’s plant genetic resources, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture said: Iran is one of the richest centers of plant heritage diversity in the world after Turkey, and it is the place of origin and domestication and the center of primary diversity of some of the world’s most important economic plants.

About 25% of agricultural products are discarded as waste

A member of the Supreme Council of Education stated: Today, in all countries of the world, the adaptability and sustainability of agricultural production relies heavily on the support of local genetic resources, because the condition for the stability of production and performance in high-yielding commercial cultivars and breeds is to deal with living and non-living environmental stresses. Living is the localization of commercial cultivars and the use of genes and adaptation characteristics of local genetic resources.

He added: Education and awareness can help a lot to promote the reform of the consumption pattern through the use of new technologies in agriculture. About 25% of agricultural products are discarded as waste.

Referring to the sciences that the agricultural sector will deal with in the future, Khayam Nekoui stated: New technologies in this field such as biotechnology and genetic engineering, advanced materials (nanotechnology), microelectronics and artificial intelligence, air and space, and information technology from Among these are the sciences. He considered another aspect of education and awareness in the agricultural sector to be the use of new technologies in agriculture in 2050, the production of biofuels, and more than 50% of the current activities in 2050 will be done by robots.

Emphasizing that education has an effective role in complying with the consumption pattern in the society, Deputy Minister of Jihad Agriculture said: Education as one of the basic pillars of the development of the agricultural sector can encourage students to study agriculture in the training of engineers by creating culture. And the future managers of this part of the country should play an effective role.

Students’ interest in agricultural academies with guaranteed future employment

Khayyam Nekui added: Students should be interested in studying in agricultural colleges through guaranteeing their future career so that they can insure the future of this important and strategic sector that plays an effective role in food security and people’s lives.

In the end, the member of the Supreme Council of Education announced his readiness for the scientific visit of students and managers of education to research and agricultural centers and emphasized: In the agricultural sector, we need the help of education to reduce costs and comply with the consumption pattern in the society, because education And farming is the best place to create concern in people about food security, environmental preservation, pastures, forests, etc.

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