
Explain the arrangements made for the book fair by the municipality

According to the Fars News Agency’s urban correspondent, Nasrollah Abadian, the mayor of District 7, stated: “Considering the holding of this national event from May 11 to 12 in Imam Khomeini’s Grand Mosque, this district has been holding several meetings for months.” And put a lot of activities at the top of our activities so that we can provide a decent host of visitors.

The mayor of District 7 added: “Holding the exhibition is a general policy that has been negotiated at the level of the ministry and the municipality, and the municipality of the district supports this issue and will perform the communicative duties.”

Noting that holding this exhibition will have its own traffic effects, he said: strengthening the subway traffic and reducing the distance of trains, creating temporary taxi and bus stations, strengthening and securing the access of pedestrians to the exhibition by doing a line Killing and creating pedestrian blocks, transporting passengers from the metro station to the exhibition site using electric vehicles are among the actions of the district municipality.

Abadian further said: 52 hectares of sweeping, 110 dirt and garbage transportation services, 120 tons of asphalt, 2,000 meters of painting tables, location of 300 small and large New Jerseys, use of 70 water jets, use of public vehicles such as loaders , Truck, East, Babket, Tanker, Large and Small Cranes and the location of 4 canopies is another part of the measures taken by the Deputy of Urban Services and Environment of the region.

According to the mayor of District 7, covering operations, daily deployment of dry waste machines (2 machines) in the entire exhibition space, distribution of 500 plastic cartons and distribution of 100 kg dry garbage bags are also planned and measures have been taken.

In the end, Abadian explained about the measures taken in the field of transportation and traffic to hold the book exhibition: Establishment of four bus lines at the door of No. 7 Mosalla, including lines of Sanat Square, Azadi Square, Tehranpars intersection, Tehranpars Third Square (round trip route), Activities of 24 buses from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM, allocating 2 metro ticket booths next to doors 3 and 18 of Mosalla to use line one and other metro lines for easy access of citizens and preventing crowds, allocating a telephone taxi for women And the general public and the allocation of public parking for private cars and motorcycles located in Shahid Beheshti and Shahid Naqdi streets will be among the special programs envisaged by the Deputy Minister of Transportation and Traffic.

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