Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Hafez insurance is once again at the highest level of financial prosperity

According to the financial news report, according to the evaluation of the financial statements approved in 1401 by the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hafez Insurance Company has succeeded in obtaining a level of financial prosperity of insurance institutions with a prosperity ratio of 173%.

According to the received reports, in the implementation of Article 6 of the regulation on how to calculate and monitor the financial solvency of insurance institutions (No. 69) and according to the review and control carried out, based on the latest financial statements of 1401 and after applying adjustments, the financial solvency ratio This company has been approved by the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the year 1402, equivalent to 173% (level one).

It is worth mentioning that Hafez Insurance Company has been able to grow its financial prosperity index by properly managing resources and capital increase programs. This ratio shows the financial strength of the company for its obligations.

Conscious management of the composition of the company’s insurance portfolio through presence in new markets, checking proposed risks and accepting them based on the principles of insurance and optimal risk management; and providing facilities for the payment of insurance premiums for policyholders, while emphasizing the timely collection of insurance premiums and company’s commercial claims; Effective management of the company’s cash funds in order to pay damages and debts on time and make investments in profitable and income-generating sectors, etc. is considered one of the unique successes of Hafiz Insurance.

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