
Heavy traffic on 6 highways / stops at bus and taxi stations is prohibited

Colonel Majid Ranjbar, head of the Traffic Control Center of Greater Tehran Road Police, in an interview with Fars News Agency, regarding the latest traffic situation, stated that there is a relatively heavy morning load in all the streets of the capital: , Shahid Haj Ghasem Soleimani Highway on the east-west route from Imam Ali Highway, south-north route of Chamran in Hakim to Hemmat section, west-east route of Golha special road and west-east freeway of Azadegan in the morning traffic load we are witness.

Colonel Ranjbar stated: Shahid Zainuddin Highway on the east-west route from Sadaf, Babaei Highway on the east-west route from the ground forces, Yadegar Imam Highway on the south-north route from Gulab, Imam Ali Highway on the route South to north of Golshandoost, they have a traffic load.

He continued: Traffic on Shahid Hemmat Highway on the west-east route from Jannatabad, Shahid Hakim on the west-east route from Shaghayegh, Hashemi Rafsanjani Highway on the west-east route from Shahid Sattari, Sheikh Fazlullah on the west-east route from Rahmani, Azadi on The west-east route from Ustad Moin and the south-north route from Nawab from Shahid Cheraghi are reported to be heavy.

He referred to the car park at bus and taxi stations and said: “Any stop that causes a roadblock is a violation because it causes traffic at the road level.”

Colonel Ranjbar asked drivers not to stop at bus and taxi stations at all.

End of message /

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