Chastity and hijabsocial

“Hijab” brings people to internal and external coherence – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Hojjat-ul-Islam Seyyed Javad Mohammadzadeh said in a conversation with Mehr reporter: Hijab is the basis of building Islamic society to reach new Islamic civilization.

The head of the Gorgan Islamic Propaganda Department added: Hijab means that a person respects his personality and it is one of the benefits Hijab is the creation of character and dignity for men and women.

He added: Today, there is no real respect for women as an educated human being in Western societies, they see women as a sexual commodity, while Islam considers women as the highest of creations and gives her a lot of character and respect.

Mohammadzadeh stated: Hijab is not specific to women, and just as women have responsibilities regarding their clothing and chastity, men also have conditions and duties regarding the issue of clothing that each man and woman must fulfill.

Head of Gorgan Islamic Propaganda Department stated that hijab prevents the society from deviations and said: Western societies today are suffering from many sexual problems and assaults which are the result of not observing hijab and chastity in the society. In fact, the western society has brought itself closer to the valley of collapse with the spread of nudity and veiling.

He clarified: Hijab brings people together to an internal and external coherence, and this covering, which people observe regardless of their ethnicity and religion, brings respect and honor.

Mohammadzadeh emphasized: Hijab is a Quranic issue and a religious obligation for all men and women so that their personalities grow and move towards excellence and happiness.

Explaining that morality is the first principle in modern Islamic civilization, he said: Hijab and respect for women’s and men’s privacy is one of the examples of morality and modern Islamic civilization.

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