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Holding a toy vow campaign for underprivileged children of the country – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the reporter of Mehr, on the occasion of Ghadir Eid this year, a big party is going to be held between Valiasr intersection and Parkway intersection with the title party Ten kilometers will be held during which cultural packages will be offered in special booths.

One of the side programs of this party Ten kilometers is the “toy donation” during which children donate toys from among their toys to children in deprived areas. Nazar Toy is a project between the student organization, educational justice and equal educational opportunity and cultural institution. Mawa It takes effect.

Mohammadreza Amarian, secretary of the working group of the educational justice camp, in the interview say He told Mehr’s reporter about Nazr Shabbazi: On the day of Ghadir Eid, we are planning to hold a big party between Waliasr intersection and Parkway intersection. In cooperation with Oj Institute and Cultural Institute Mawa Let’s start a campaign around Valiasr Square, which will start on Ghadir Eid. This campaign will start its work under the title of gift of toys to your work. The campaigns of this campaign have started from Eid al-Adha Bring The toys will start from Ghadeer Eid.

Amirian stated that the general public has been informed about this campaign through cyber space and social networks; He said: This campaign encourages children to learn the custom of giving gifts on the occasion of Ghadir Eid and to keep it alive. For this reason, these children give their toys to children in deprived areas.

He said that from the day of Ghadir Eid, donated toys will be delivered; He said: Any child who wants to deliver toys can go to Valiasr Square in person. From next week, places will probably be set up in different areas of Tehran to receive these gifts, but for now, due to the celebration of Ghadir Eid and party Ten kilometers away, only Valiasr Square will be used.

He stated that other solutions have been considered in addition to the physical delivery of toys; He said: In addition to going to Waliasr Square in person, the child can go to our website and buy any number of 100 Iranian, conceptual and valuable toys at the manufacturer’s price and donate them to us. It means that the only way to donate a package of toys is not to be present in Valiasr square. Of course, on the day of Ghadir Eid, all the toy manufacturers will be present in Waliasr Square to make the direct supply of toys.

In response to the question of which regions of the country do the donated toys go to? He said: We have 167 deprived areas in the city of Tehran. Along with these areas, we want to donate some of these toys to the underprivileged children of Hormozgan province who recently suffered an earthquake, and if God allows us, we have plans for other provinces such as Sistan and Baluchistan and Ilam.

The secretary of the working group of the Educational Justice Center added: People’s campaigns will continue according to the people’s reception. No one would have thought that the salam song of the commander would cross the borders of Iran like this; If this campaign attracts the attention of Hazrat Ali and he gives his favor, it will definitely be successful, so that it will be continued in all the provinces of the country and will continue until Arbaeen.

He stated that the symbolic distribution of these toys will be done on the same day of Ghadir Eid in Tehran. He said: The provincial distribution of these gifts will take up to a week to separate separated toys and non-cultural or defective toys; With the help of the student organization, these gifts are wrapped and labeled.

Amerian pointed out: We are trying to complete the distribution of these toys before the beginning of the month of Muharram.

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