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How do we know we need omega 3? (Symptoms of Omega 3 Deficiency)

The number of people in the world who suffer from omega-3 deficiency is not small, but the point is that these people themselves are not aware of this issue and do not seek to compensate for this deficiency. If omega-3 deficiency is detected correctly, it can be easily remedied by taking omega-3 pills and food sources containing this nutrient. In this article, we will help you to get acquainted with the symptoms of omega 3 deficiency.

What is omega-3 and why does our body need it?

Omega-3 refers to a group of 3 fatty acids that our body derives from plant and animal fats. Doctors and nutritionists consider omega-3 fats to be the most beneficial fats for the human body, which are not only not harmful to health, but also bring significant benefits. The benefits of omega-3 for maintaining the health of the body are so significant that by knowing them, you will surely pay more attention to providing this nutrient for your body than before. The three types of fatty acids that make up omega-3s include:

Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA): This acid is mainly obtained from vegetable oils and our body is not able to produce it. Flaxseeds and soybeans are examples of plants that contain ALA.

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA): This acid is derived from animal fats and is good for brain, nerve and heart health.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): This acid is also derived from animal sources and is essential for brain, heart and even fetal growth.

Symptoms of omega 3 deficiency

Some diets and diet plans can make you omega-3 deficient. For example, diets in which red meat and poultry are consumed in abundance or significantly reduce fat, will often lead to lower levels of fatty acids in the body. Some of the symptoms of omega-3 deficiency may not be very obvious and may not be noticed as a result. Here is a list of the most important signs of omega3 deficiency:

Skin, hair and nail problems

Omega-3s are one of the building blocks of cell walls and therefore, when their levels in the body decrease, they cause dry skin, brittle hair and reduced nail strength. In fact, the skin is one of the first areas where the symptoms of omega-3 deficiency are well visible. Even an abnormal increase in acne in the body can be a warning sign of a decrease in omega-3 levels in the body. In general, the benefits of omega-3s for the skin are that it reduces inflammation, but its deficiency will be a factor in pimples. Rash and dandruff can also be symptoms of omega-3 deficiency.

Fatigue and sleep disturbance

Difficulty falling asleep can have many causes, the root of which is not easy to find, but omega-3 deficiency can also be effective. Research has shown that increasing omega-3 levels in the body can improve sleep quality and make a person more relaxed.


Omega-3 fats are one of the building blocks of the brain and have protective and anti-inflammatory effects on the brain. Studies have shown that these fats may even be effective in treating neurological diseases and brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and bipolar disorder. Many studies also suggest that low levels of omega-3s in the body are associated with depression. While there are several factors that contribute to mental illness, a diet rich in omega-3s can probably play a role in preventing some of them.

Lack of attention and concentration are symptoms of omega 3 deficiency

As mentioned in the previous section, low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body can be effective in mental disorders. Impaired memory and concentration are other signs that omega-3s are depleted in the body. Children and adults who become angry immediately for no apparent reason are not at all unlikely to suffer from omega-3 deficiency.

Omega 3

Joint pain and leg muscle cramps

Omega 3 has unique anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming enough fish oil will naturally reduce swelling and inflammation throughout the body, including the joints. Be sure to include enough omega-3s in your diet to prevent the painful experience of joint pain.

Allergy symptoms

Another sign that you may have omega-3 deficiency may be urticaria, asthma and eczema. Since these symptoms are each related to different factors, it is better to consult a doctor if you see them.

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Excessive mass in the ear

It’s a little weird, but omega-3s can even help protect your hearing. One of the symptoms of omega-3 deficiency in the body is an abnormally high ear mass. This will reduce hearing. One study found that people were 14% less likely to have a hearing loss after taking an omega-3 supplement in their daily routine.

Cardiovascular problems

Studies show that omega-3s are essential for heart health. If you have heart problems, it is best to increase the amount of omega-3s in your diet in consultation with your doctor, as you may need this vital nutrient more than others. Omega-3s also help control the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby helping to protect the heart.

Difficult menstrual periods for women

If, as a woman recently, you feel that your menstrual bleeding has increased more than ever, it may be related to omega-3 deficiency. If you experience heavy bleeding, increase your omega-3 intake in your diet or get help from omega-3 pills.

Dry eyes

Omega-3 fats play a role in eye health, including maintaining moisture and possibly producing tears. That’s why many experts prescribe omega-3 supplements to help relieve dry eye syndrome. Symptoms of dry eye can include eye discomfort and even impaired vision. If you have just noticed that you have dry eyes, it may be because your diet does not contain enough omega-3 fatty acids. As many other conditions can cause dry eyes, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist if you notice this problem.

Reduce hair loss by consuming omega 3

Omega-3 fats, as well as being effective in maintaining skin moisture, also help prevent dry hair. Changes in hair texture and density can also be a sign of omega-3 deficiency in the body. Studies have shown that people who use the right levels of omega-3 in their diet will experience less hair loss. If hair loss, dry hair, brittle hair and dandruff intensify, make sure you do not have omega-3 deficiency.

Can omega-3 levels in the body be measured?

If fish and seafood do not have much space on your table, it is unlikely that you are omega-3 deficient. There is no standard test for omega-3 deficiency, but there are methods that can be used to indirectly detect a deficiency of this nutrient in the body. For example, laboratory scientists can take a blood sample and analyze omega-3 levels in blood lipids or blood plasma. In this case, the percentage of total phospholipid fatty acids will be determined by weight. There are other methods that can be used to indirectly assess omega-3 levels.

Animal and plant sources contain omega-3

We said that omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from both animal and plant sources. Plant sources of omega-3 include:

  • Flaxseeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnut
  • Soybeans
  • اسفناج
  • Brussel sprout

Omega 3 sources

And omega-3 rich animal sources include:

  • Salmon fish
  • Sardine
  • Kingfish
  • Anchovy fish
  • Shell
  • egg


Concluding remarks

If you experience the symptoms of omega-3 deficiency that we described in this article, be sure to see your doctor for further evaluation. If seafood is not in your diet, you are more likely to be deficient in omega-3s. In these cases, the best way to speed up the conclusion is to take omega 3 pills or capsules.

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