
How many dollars does the construction of the national housing movement put in the pockets of the Chinese? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, it was last year that after several denials by the government and whispers about this, the cooperation of the Chinese in building the units of the National Housing Movement was finally confirmed.

Based on this, it was decided that the contractors of this country should start building units in exchange for oil clearing, which was promised to the people two years ago at the beginning of the presidential government.

Of course, since the confirmation of this news, no action has been taken in this regard, and every day the applicants see promises from the authorities that either remain at the same level or the infrastructure for its implementation has not yet been provided.

Now, after several months have passed, Hassan Tizmaghz, the representative of the Minister of Roads and Urban Development, has explained about the construction of housing with foreign companies: During the meetings held with foreign companies, it is supposed that the land will be given to these companies, and next to the land, Construction materials and manpower are also from within the country.

Tizmaghz has also explained about the cost of building these units by Chinese companies: according to the agreement made with foreign companies, the price of building each residential unit is estimated at 200-300 dollars, and the Chinese are eager to participate in the construction of the country.

The cost of building the units of the National Housing Movement by the Chinese

As it was said, foreign companies are going to build each residential unit with 200 to 300 dollars per meter. This amount is estimated based on free market dollars at the rate of 49,500 tomans, 9,900,000 tomans to 14,850,000 tomans.

This amount will vary between 7,500,000 and 11,250,000 Tomans if calculated with remittance dollars and an average rate of 37,500 Tomans.

Of course, this is while the land price is not included in the construction cost in the National Housing Movement units, and in this case, this amount is not far from belief and domestic mass builders will also be able to afford it. Also, on the other hand, at the beginning of the national housing movement plan, the government had offered 4.5 million tomans per meter to domestic mass builders, and this year it has increased it to 10 million tomans.

The issue that has not been mentioned in the meantime is the method of paying for the construction of these units, which seems to be based on the same agreement as before, that is, oil clearing, which the government had in mind from the beginning in cooperation with foreign companies. It should be mentioned that today Tizmoghz mentioned the Belgians as applicants for housing construction in Iran!

Read the latest housing news on Tejaratnews housing page.

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