Identify cancer with these simple symptoms

Did you know there are more than 200 types of cancer? The term cancer refers to a large number of diseases in which some body cells begin to multiply abnormally and uncontrollably and destroy the normal tissues of the body. Cancer has the ability to eventually cover the whole body and disrupt the entire body system. In this article, we are going to talk about the first symptoms of cancer.
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What are the symptoms of cancer?
An important point that it is better to mention at the beginning of the article is that the symptoms that we will discuss in the following are not signs of cancer in most cases and are related to a much less dangerous disease or complication. However, the advantage of knowing these symptoms is that if they are detected at the very beginning of cancer, the treatment process will be much easier. Symptoms of cancer are as follows:
Excessive night sweats or fever
Night sweats while sleeping or having a fever in most cases are related to the presence of an infection in the body or can be a side effect of some medications. Also, women during menopause may experience hot flashes and night sweats. But if the increase in your body temperature at night or your sweating is very intense and you do not find any specific reason for it, be sure to see a doctor because this symptom is considered one of the early symptoms of cancer.
Weakness and fatigue are early symptoms of cancer
Fatigue and weakness can have many reasons. For example, if you are going through a very stressful period in your life or you have trouble sleeping, you may constantly feel like you are really tired during the day and you can’t do much. But sometimes your sleep is enough and your life has its normal routine; However, you feel very weak and tired. In this case, you should follow up on this problem and see a doctor to determine what your problem is by examining other symptoms.
Unexplained bleeding or bruising
Unexplained bleeding or bruising must be checked by a doctor to determine its cause. Bleeding can be one of the symptoms of cancer, which may be seen in urine and feces or in vomiting and coughing up blood. You should also check for any unexplained vaginal bleeding as a sign of cancer. It does not matter what color the bleeding blood is. This blood can be bright red, dark red, brownish or black.
Unexplained pain in body parts; From the signs of cancer
Pain is a sign that there is a problem in a part of the body. With age, pain in different parts of the body may increase. But for some pains, no justification can be found. In these cases, pain may be a symptom of cancer. Cancer-related pain can occur anywhere in the body. It is obvious that a doctor should be consulted for unexplained pain in body parts.
Unreasonable weight loss; From the symptoms of cancer
Weight gain and loss over time is completely normal. But some people who are in the early stages of cancer and are not even aware of their disease, may suddenly experience severe weight loss; Without making drastic changes in their diet or lifestyle. Unexplained weight loss is one of the symptoms of cancer that you should take seriously and if you see it, be sure to see a doctor for a checkup.
An unusual lump or swelling anywhere on the body
If you notice an unusual lump or swelling in a part of your body, you should take this symptom seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible. Lumps or swelling may be more common in the following areas of the body: armpits, neck, groin, chest, testicles, stomach, and chest.
Indigestion after eating
Other symptoms of cancer include severe and persistent digestive disorders after eating. This problem can indicate one of the cancers related to the digestive system such as stomach, esophagus, intestine, etc. In this case, you should see a gastroenterologist to check and determine the cause.
Difficulty swallowing
Swallowing disorders may be a symptom of a disorder in the nervous and brain system, be related to a physical blockage in the throat, or be caused by a severe infection. But if you suddenly feel as if there is an unusual swelling in your throat that prevents you from swallowing, without having any kind of disease, you should follow up and see a doctor. Difficulty in swallowing can be a symptom of laryngeal cancer or symptoms of cancers related to the digestive system. In these cases, a person’s voice change is usually observed.
skin changes; One of the symptoms of cancer
Other symptoms of cancer that can be a warning are skin changes. For example, a part of the skin may change color and become yellow, dark or red, or it may become empty and have an abnormal state. Also, some skin wounds that do not heal may be a sign of cancer. Unexplained skin changes may be symptoms of skin cancer. Therefore, if you notice any sudden changes in your skin, it is not a bad idea to consult a dermatologist.
Coughing for no reason
Cough is usually one of the symptoms of a cold and most of us have experienced it many times. But sometimes some coughs are for no reason and occur without the person having a recent infection and increase day by day. In this case, you should see a doctor for more tests. Cough can be due to other dangerous reasons such as tuberculosis, Pulmonary fibrosis or have lung and respiratory tract cancer. In many cases, cancer-related coughs are accompanied by shortness of breath.
What is the cause of cancer?
You are familiar with the symptoms of cancer. When the name of cancer comes up, the question is always raised, what is the real cause of cancer, which is one of the most common causes of death in the world? Cancer is caused by mutations in the DNA inside the cell. The DNA inside a cell contains a large number of genes, each containing a set of instructions that tell the cell what tasks to perform and how to grow and divide.
Any errors and problems in these recipes can cause disruption in the normal function of the cell and turn the cells into cancerous cells. Now, why a mutation occurs in the DNA of a cell is in an aura of ambiguity. Researchers have proposed various reasons so far, but none of them are conclusive and more research is still needed. By observing the symptoms of cancer, the sooner you start treatment, the easier and cheaper the treatment will be.
Last point
Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. In this article from the green positive online pharmacy magazine, we examined the symptoms of cancer. The symptoms mentioned are common to many other diseases. Therefore, you should leave the diagnosis of cancer only to the doctor and do not have prejudice. Fortunately, with advances in medical science, many cancers can be treated in their early stages. By eating healthy and choosing a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent all types of cancers to some extent.