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About the movie “Shahrek” directed by Ali Hazrati; Experimental town

The producer of the movie “Shahrek” in the movie “Sazhai Nakok” showed that he has enough knowledge about the essence of cinema and by mastering the existential nature of cinema, which is considered to be one of its main elements; He advances his script. In this passage, the use of visual techniques and what gives consistency to the film is one of Ali Hazrati’s interests. It’s as if the frame and frames that he remembers from his first film are still vivid in his mind.

Charso Press: The producer of the movie “Shahrek” in the movie “Sazhai Nakok” showed that he has enough knowledge about the essence of cinema and by mastering the existential nature of cinema, which is considered to be one of its main elements; He advances his script. In this passage, the use of visual techniques and what gives consistency to the film is one of Ali Hazrati’s interests. It’s as if the frame and frames that he remembers from his first film are still vivid in his mind. According to him, the audience should be captivated by the visuals of the film in the first place, and the script should be able to hold the audience until the end. Perhaps his background and his theatrical attachment are not without influence in his view of the seventh art. Generally, the characters he creates; They are quiet and introverted and somewhat dumb and are not aware of what their surroundings want from them. They are caught in a self-willed and sometimes unwitting limbo. Even the secondary characters of his films have such a place in the eyes of the audience. This time, in the film “Shahrek”, Hazrat goes to a story of cinema itself; The principle of gender and directness. What is the border between reality and fantasy? The dumbness of his character this time is from pure cinema.

Self-absorbed, which sometimes leads to the recovery of the main and non-artistic character of the actor. In some sequences, the unconscious mind remembers the book “George Orwell” in 1984. The eyes of the assistant director who monitors the characters of his hypothetical film at every moment, does not leave them alone in any situation, or in some shots this time, his mind pokes at the well-made film the experiment. However, in no way can the two story lines of the film be the same, and alas, it starts here. A film that could involve the audience in another context. “Shahrek” is a movie where the viewer doesn’t know what is going to happen until the middle of the beginning. Is the movie within the movie normal? Will the exchange of hearts occur in it? Unfortunately, in the middle of the field, the main theme does not come out. A story that could have been presented in a better way; It sinks into a trivial situation. Except for Saed Soheili (Navid/Farhad) and to some extent Roya Javednia (the supposed mother of the film), the rest of the characters are there and there is no difference. Of course, with one exception, that is in some plans where Avesta painter Morteza Zarrabi has an ethereal presence. I don’t know why his presence in the movie has other meanings for me?

He is also an actor of possible games in the movie maybe. A painting that seems to know and not at the same time what is going to happen. That check and slap that hits Farhad; The rebellion of this created type can be understood. His iron man-like dance scene with Homayoun Ershadi can tickle the mind and reveal that all these plans can be the product of the mind and that’s it. I believe that the weak point and not necessarily the weakness of the film is the love between the girl and the boy in the story, which is not based on a logical justification. That these two fall in love in an unbelievable situation; Considering that there is another girl (Homa) in Navid’s life, it is a bit hard to believe. Except that the director previously provided a background of why this was done, or in the context of the barracks of the town, he advances the story in a different way. Coming from real life and resorting to a two-month training to get closer to the role, despite the presence of the person who is the helmsman of this team and project (Kazem Siyahi), also adds to the unreality of things. And the dialogue that is said in the bus that “pull the curtain, there is nothing outside” can also announce a new world.

A world that can create another person for days. People who are allowed to do any action according to a pre-scripted order until their past lives are forgotten. If the city was only satisfied with the obedience of people in a certain situation, and that in some places people cannot be subjugated; Maybe a better movie would be remembered. The main theme of the story had this feature. There was also a stigma attached to this film. But wasn’t this cute stigma right and rewarding?! Although the film does not aim to make slogans; Unpretentiously, he advances his plans; But don’t you think about what the audience will get from this creation of imagination and mind at the end? Or do you want a more detailed explanation of why actors came and went and gave life to what was asked of them in the real or imaginary world?! Indeed, what will happen to the question that Farhad Film asks about Roya Javadinia? What is your real name? And he hears the answer, when is it time to ask these questions? What is the concern that can be seen on the face of the mother of the hypothetical role? From the eyes that are watching the situation outside? Do you want to avoid being under observation and subjugation? Or Farhad’s next fear that this question is only between them so that they don’t throw him out?

The questions that if the film moves in this context, the horror of the script would be more complete. A screenplay whose characters are like a football playing slowly in the darkness of its own accord, showed this confusion of behavior more and the crying of Farhad who doesn’t know who he is and what happened to him! I love an actor who immerses himself in the worlds of this work, or the story was not at all what we have seen, and we have to create a new story of this perhaps terrible town in our minds and imaginations. A town where everything seems normal; With this difference, how involved are the actors of this movie in its horror and unusualness?! Perhaps the best thing was done by the mother who did not accept a role in the work and did not involve herself in the subsequent events for the sake of her child. Adventures that require a separate interpretation…

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