
Important news for Shasta shareholders / Time of holding Shasta meeting

According to Tejarat News, based on the announcement published on the website of Kedal, the Social Security Investment Company invited all shareholders and shareholders, as well as representatives of legal entities, to attend the general assembly of the company. This forum is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, October 18 at 9:00 AM in the Talash Cultural-Sports Complex.

In this meeting, while listening to the report of the board of directors and the legal inspector, the financial statements up to June 20, 1400 are to be approved. The amount of cash dividend distributed among shareholders is also determined in this meeting.

According to the unaudited financial statements for the year ending June 20, 2014, Shasta has earned a profit of 2194 Rials per share this year.

However, according to a recent announcement by Shasta, real shareholders can apply for their dividends from November 25 by visiting the branches of the Workers’ Welfare Bank across the country and presenting the original national card and share code.

Shasta dividends are to be paid by referring to the bank, which according to the approval of the Exchange Organization, all companies listed on the stock exchange are required to deposit their dividends to the account of the Central Depository Company so that this company can also transfer this amount to Sheba number. Registered by shareholders in the SJAM system.

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