
Shareholders of which listed companies expect cash dividends?

According to Tejarat News, on the first day of the week, the announcement of the registration of the decisions of the ordinary general assemblies of several listed companies was published on Kedal’s website.

One of these companies was the shipping company of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Hekshti Which held its general assembly on Wednesday, October 5, published a summary of the decisions of this assembly in Kadal. According to this announcement, Hekeshti will distribute only 72 Rials of its net profit of 724 Rials among its shareholders. This company with a capital of two thousand and 156 billion Tomans in 1999 was able to achieve a net profit of more than 1.5 thousand billion Tomans.

The second company to publish its General Assembly decisions in Cadal is AsiaTek Was. The company providing telecommunication and internet services in the fiscal year of 1999 was able to realize a profit of 794 Rials per share, which will distribute more than 94% of it, ie 75 Tomans, among its shareholders.

Mapna Investment Group (ومپنا) Also did not make any profit to its shareholders in its general assembly because the company had lost 99 in fiscal year.

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