In the closing ceremony of Fajr Theater, the Minister of Guidance said about the facilities in the artistic department

According to Fars news agency’s theater reporter, the 42nd Fajr Theater Festival, under the direction of Mehdi Hamedsagayan, in the sections of street theater competition, stage theater competition and playwriting competition, which was held at Vahdat Hall, today, Thursday 12th of Bahman, in the closing ceremony of this event. He recognized himself and ended his work.
After reciting verses from the Holy Quran and playing the national anthem, a clip of the atmosphere of the Islamic Revolution in 1957 was played in the hall.
At the beginning of this ceremony, the speeches of Mehdi Hamed Saghayan, the secretary of the 42nd Fajr International Theater Festival, were broadcast on video.
Then a clip of the deceased artists who have left the group of artists since last year was broadcasted.
At the beginning of this ceremony, the winners of lighting, make-up, music and movement were introduced as follows.
“motion design”
Certificate of appreciation: Afshin Khodri
Diploma of honor: Milad Harouni, Silent show
Winners of the student theater design and lighting department:
Pedram Rizvani and Ali Ekbatan from Tehran University of Arts
Somia Arghawai was chosen as the makeup designer
Farzaneh Radfar for the makeup design of Ilkhoni show
Street show music:
The conductor of Haft Sang show
Statue and diploma of honor: Mohammad Naderi for two shows
Student music:
Ali Khatami from Tehran University of Arts
Iranian theater music:
Commendation certificate and cash prize: Faramarz Nasiri’s performance of Ariobarzan from Qazvin
A statue, honorary diploma and cash prize were presented to Emad Arabzadeh.
The special broadcast of the 42nd Fajr Theater Festival was dedicated to Gaza, and a clip of it was broadcast in the hall.
“National Identity Department”
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to the Shuja Del street show directed by Saeed Badini.
A statue of honor, a diploma and a cash prize were presented to Reza Hosseini for the Sahar chicken show.
Gaza section: Certificate of appreciation and cash prize for Mustafa Bouadhar’s Palestinian bride show
Diploma honor statue and cash prize in this section were presented to Ali Ekbatani for full performance from Tehran University of Art.
The selection committee for street theater did not select a nominee for this section.
In the following, Ismail Khalaj, the playwright of Arzandeh, Atash Taghipour, the veteran artist, and Heshmatullah Ghasemi, the veteran theater master of Khuzestan, were honored by Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
In the following, the provincial directors of the regional theater festival, Farshid Fallah from Semnan, Hamidreza Qanei, Director General of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Fars Province, Mohammad Hosseinzadeh Aishabadi, Director General of Khorasan Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Hossein Mobin from East Azerbaijan, and Dr. Hoshiar, Mayor of Tabriz, were honored.
Mohammad Mahdi Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, while congratulating the ten days of Fajr, said: “In the shadow of God’s blessing, the 42nd festival was held with great splendor and strength, and with the effective presence of art and theater people.” Regional festivals played a role in creating prosperity and a warm atmosphere for the growth and excellence of theater across the country. I thank the host provinces. Thanks to you, dear artists, who kept the theater lights on with all the problems and minimal facilities.
He continued: Today, we are happy that different artists from different regions of the country are proud. The field of theater is an important field in performing arts. No matter how prosperous and glorious the theater is, by nature, other sectors will prosper. The student theater came to the stage this year to advance the future students of performing arts before the past.
The Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance said: I thank my good friends in the welfare organization who accompanied us. The oppressed section of Gaza was an important part of this year’s theater festival. More than 27,000 people have been martyred in Gaza, most of them children and homeless women. The story is a sad story. This year, we dedicated a section to Gaza in all important cultural festivals.
He added: I would like to thank my colleagues in the deputy art department for bringing this year’s festival to its end with little facilities. Martyr Avini’s camp was established in the Ministry of Culture. Associations of music and visual arts have been formed. This year, a good per capita will be provided to these loved ones so that the programs they offer in this camp can create the sublime glory.
Next, the clip of the regions section was played in the hall.
Next, the winners of the stage and costume were determined.
“cloth design”
Street theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Faridah Mirzaei for the show Very Far, Very Near.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were given to Roya Fazli from Tehran University and Rahela Serafrazi and Shahrazad Azadnam from Tehran University.
Iranian Theater:
Appreciation plaque and award were given to Ajman Bijani Nesab and Najme Zarei for Ilkhoni show.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mahia Qobadi for showing the nightmares of the forced prince.
“space and stage design”
Mustafa Klevandi was awarded a plaque and award for his respectable fist and kick display.
Diploma of honor and cash prize were awarded to Seyyed Abulfazl Mustafa for demonstrating covalent bonding.
“Scene and Dress”
Student theater:
A commendation and award was given to Kianoush Ayazi for designing a scene of mourning for a dead man.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Sara Aref.
“Inclusive sector”
Street theater:
A statue, a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were presented to Nessa Soleimani.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize were presented to Mustafa Mohammadi.
Kazem Arjamandinia won the statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section.
“Khandistan Award”
The statue of the festival and a cash prize were awarded to the Enemy of God theater group directed by Majid Iraqi.
Special recognition for children and teenagers:
Appreciation certificates were presented to Abolfazl Parsa, Abtin Rahmati, Nafs Jabri.
“Male acting nominees”
Street theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mustafa Kouliondi for his respectable fist and kick display.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Farid Qadiri for showing the link of covalency.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize were awarded to Meysham Sarabadani for showing the memories of a dead man.
Student theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mohammad Reza Farzam for his performance of a funeral for a dead man.
Behzad Hajizadeh was awarded a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize for showing blood at the University of Tehran.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mohammad Yahya Abadi for showing the employees of Payam Noor University.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize of this department were presented to Sajjad Tabesh for the show outside the door.
Iranian Theater Competition:
Yasin Rizvani was given a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize for the useless show.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were presented to Salman for showing the nightmares of the obligatory prince.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Majid Iraqi for the show Enemy of God.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize of this department were presented to Javad Yahivi for his performance.
“Female acting nominees”
Street theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Arezoo Jafari for displaying a souvenir from Jiroft.
Certificates of appreciation and cash prizes were awarded to the actors of the show Far Far Far Far Near from Lorestan province.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Najmeh Mehrabi for the show of thousand professions from Isfahan.
Student theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Shabnam Samadi for the clown show from Farhangian University of Shiraz.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Arezoo Karimi Zand for his performance of a dirge for a dead man.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Hasna Ghobadi for the Australian show.
Iran Theater Competition:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Frank Paday Khal for showing the nightmares of the forced prince.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Elham Chanani for the show Kehte Az Khaf.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mahsa Zahiri for showing the nightmares of the obligatory prince.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Rihaneh Razi for Hayden’s show.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mohammad Shokravi, the producer of Silent, Hamlet and First Person Mofard.
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mohammad Mahdi Mehranfar for the open-ended show of Technical Gorge.
Milad Hosseinzadeh was awarded for the show Salam Alaikum.
The statuette of the diploma of honor festival and cash prize to Pejman Shahvardi
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mohammad Yahya Abadi, the author of the Karnan show.
A festival statuette, diploma of honor and cash prize were presented to Rasool Haq Jo for performing a eulogy for a dead man.
Iranian Theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Emaduddin Rajablo, the author of God Theater from Tehran.
The Che Festival statuette, honorary diploma and cash prize were presented to Yasin Rizvani, the author of the show Bihude from Gorgan.
“Director’s Department”
Street theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Mustafa Kouliondi for his respectable fist and kick display.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Masoud Kurdi for the show Very Far Very Near.
Student theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Kianoush Ayazi for the play Elegy for a Dead Man.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Hosni Ghobadi for the Australian show.
Iranian Theater:
A certificate of appreciation and a cash prize were awarded to Majid Rahmati.
Hossein Esadi was awarded a plaque and award for the show Kehte Az Khaf.
The statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize in this section were presented to Korosh Shahone for Hayden show.
“Special Prize Section”
In the student theater competition of this section, the statue of the festival, diploma of honor and cash prize went to the theater group outside the door directed by Parham Khakzad.
In the Iranian theater competition, this section was awarded the diploma of honor festival and a cash prize to the theater group directed by Yasin Rezvani from Gorgan.
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