Increase in housing transactions in these three areas The housing price bubble burst in these areas

The first vice president of Tehran Real Estate Consultants Union said: According to official statistics, the amount of real estate transactions in three regions 10, 5 and 2 has increased compared to other regions.
The amount of housing transactions is affected by various factors, these factors include the macroeconomic situation, interest rates, financial and monetary policies of the government, housing demand, housing prices, investment opportunities, people’s income, and socio-political conditions. For example, an increase in people’s income and a decrease in interest rates can increase the demand for housing, while the increase in housing prices and the inability of people to obtain a mortgage can lead to a decrease in housing transactions.
Daud Biginejad, the first vice president of Tehran Real Estate Consultants Association, said: According to official statistics, 3,550 real estate transactions were registered in December this year in Tehran, which is much higher than the average of 10,000 transactions per month, which is considered as the equilibrium point of transactions. It is small and indicates the stagnation of transactions.
According to him, the most transactions in this month were done in the 5th, 10th, 2nd and 4th districts of Tehran, respectively, and these transactions were due to the size of the region and the number of residents.
He says: In December, sales and purchases have decreased by 9% compared to November, and this indicates a significant decrease in the number of contracts.
He said: In some areas, the selling prices have approached the cost price of the manufacturers, which will show its effect in the coming years.