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Ingredients that, if moisturized, destroy your skin

Especially in winter, nothing can give your dry skin as much as a moisturizer. If you have a good moisturizer or moisturizer, you can be sure that dry skin will not lead to complications such as eczema. But are all moisturizers good for the skin? What do you know about harmful moisturizing compounds? In this article, we will give you information so that you can use it more skillfully to buy a moisturizing cream this time.

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Harmful compounds of moisturizers

The skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, the lack of proper care of which directly affects human health. Some harmful compounds in skin care products may show their side effects years later and cause side effects. Therefore, it is very important to study the contents of the moisturizing cream packaging so that you can know the exact ingredients. It is better to choose a moisturizing cream that does not contain the following ingredients:

mineral oil

Mineral oil is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons derived from oil. Used in many cosmetics, it can be a toxin for the human immune system. Mineral oil can be especially harmful for people with acne prone skin. In fact, moisturizing cream, which contains mineral oils, closes the pores of the skin and aggravates the unfavorable conditions of pimples and acne.

Propylene glycol

Repeated skin exposure to propylene glycol can cause unwanted skin irritation. Propylene glycol has a strong moisturizing power, but its frequent use is definitely not suitable for people with very dry and sensitive skin. Rash, exacerbation of eczema and burning and itching are some of the side effects that propylene glycol may cause in the long run.

Perfumes and essential oils

Many of you will fall in love with the pleasant aroma that comes from moisturizing creams. However, these essential oils may be harmful moisturizing compounds. The scent of moisturizing creams is usually on the packaging, but some brands may also refrain from mentioning the essential oil. Unfortunately, perfumes irritate the skin and cause irritation and itching in sensitive skin.

Artificial colors

Synthetic creams are sometimes used in the contents of moisturizing creams. Some synthetic dyes are FDA approved and are used in many foods, cosmetics or medicines. However, some dermatologists consider the presence of artificial colors in moisturizers to be harmful to skin health. Synthetic dyes irritate the skin and may cause allergies. It has also been suggested that artificial colors may be a risk factor for cancer. So it is better not to have them in skin care products.

Parabens are harmful moisturizing compounds

You should know that parabens are a group of chemicals that are often used as preservatives in cosmetics such as moisturizers. Although the FDA has not yet released information that parabens in cosmetics are harmful to human health, some experts suggest that parabens may have adverse effects on the body’s hormones. Their use may also be linked to breast cancer. Therefore, it is better not to use them.


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You may be surprised to find retinol on this list. Retinol is used and welcomed as an anti-aging element in many creams and cosmetics. But some research has shown that overuse of this substance can cause problems, especially for people with sensitive skin. Make sure the amount of retinol in your moisturizer is not too high and if it is, preferably use it every other day.


Another harmful moisturizing compound that should be avoided is alcohol. This substance can make skin conditions drier than they already are. Due to the use of alcohol in moisturizing creams, the skin will become dry and dehydrated. This neutralizes the effect of degreasing and makes oily skin produce more fat.

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Alpha hydroxy acids

Like retinol alpha hydroxy acids, their benefits are often praised in skin care products. Among alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid is one of the most popular. But experts say moisturizers that contain this substance can damage the skin if not used properly. The alpha hydroxy acids in moisturizers can cause redness, swelling, itching and even discoloration of the skin.

Petrolatum or Vaseline

Many of us apply Vaseline to our skin as soon as we get out of the bathroom. Vaseline is a petroleum product that is strictly forbidden by experts, especially on the face. The petroleum products in the moisturizers block the pores of the skin and do not allow moisture to enter the skin. In this case, dirt and fat are trapped in the skin and problems such as blackheads occur.

Astringents in moisturizers

To reduce pimples and acne, astringent creams and lotions can be used. However, dermatologists find overuse of these products problematic for the skin. Excessive use of astringents causes the loss of skin oil and leads to increased dryness, irritation and dullness of the skin. Try to avoid astringents such as isopropyl alcohol, hazelnut and salicylic acid in moisturizers.

Rice flour

It may seem strange to you, but one of the harmful ingredients in moisturizers may be a strange substance called rice flour. Rice flour has starchy properties and can aggravate dry skin and give the skin a dull and tired appearance.

Lemon essential oil

Lemon as a natural ingredient is added to many moisturizing creams. However, dermatologists warn that this substance has extremely high acidity and can irritate the skin. Lemon scents or compounds can dry out the skin and cause a burning and itching sensation.


It is commonly used as an anti-spot and brightening agent in skin care products. But long-term use will be harmful to the health of the body. It is better to use creams that contain this combination instead Kojic acid Vitamin C, licorice extract and glycolic acid.

Concluding remarks

In this article, we have listed the harmful compounds of moisturizers for you. The presence of these compounds in moisturizing creams does not mean that the product is definitely bad and of poor quality. These compounds often do not pose a problem for the skin in the short term, but in the long term it can be seen that, for example, they have worsened the dry skin condition. The purpose of using a moisturizing cream is to increase the health of the skin and fight dryness and eczema. Therefore, you should always choose a high quality moisturizer that does not contain undesirable ingredients that are prohibited by dermatologists. Trust the positive green online pharmacy and enter the pharmacy website right now and see the types of moisturizing creams.

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