Instructions on how to defend lawsuits against the judiciary were issued

According to Fars News Agency, “Instructions on how to defend the lawsuits filed against the judiciary” were announced by Mohseni Ejei, the head of the judiciary. The text of the instructions published in the official newspaper is as follows:
“In order to optimize and organize the defense of the lawsuits filed against the judiciary and to establish the necessary coordination between the relevant units, the” Instructions on how to defend the lawsuits filed against the judiciary “are described in future articles.
Article 1- The defense of lawsuits filed against judicial or administrative units of the judiciary is the responsibility of the General Legal Department, which in this instruction is called the “General Directorate”.
Note 1- Subordinate bodies of the Judiciary such as the Court of Administrative Justice, the General Inspection Organization, the Prisons and Security and Educational Measures Organization, the State Property and Documents Registration Organization, the Forensic Medicine Organization, the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces and the Official Gazette of the Islamic Republic. They are exceptions.
Note 2: The defense of lawsuits related to administrative-employment affairs, as the case may be, is the responsibility of the administration of administrative and employment affairs of judges or administrative staff of the judiciary.
Article 2 The units that are in charge of defending the lawsuits against them according to this instruction are obliged to cooperate with it to prepare the defense. The above units take the following actions:
A- Introducing one of its experts to the General Administration as a liaison;
B) Sending judicial documents with the necessary documents to the General Directorate to prepare the defense, immediately after receiving;
C- Payment of all necessary expenses for the trial, such as the cost of objecting to the expert opinions and the transportation of witnesses.
Article 3 The Office of Claims and Contracts of the General Administration is obliged to take the necessary measures before preparing the defense bill, such as collecting documents, evidence, information of witnesses and informants, and other appropriate measures.
Article 4 In cases where the preparation of the defense requires, at the suggestion of the Head of the Claims and Contracts Office and with the consent of the Director General of Legal Affairs, the matter shall be referred to a commission composed of the Director General of Legal Affairs (as Chairman) Or the judges of the General Administration are appointed by the Director General.
Article 5 If the preparation of the defense bill requires the presence of managers or experts of the judicial or administrative unit in the administration of lawsuits and contracts or the commission subject to the previous article, it shall be notified by the director general and the relevant director or expert is obliged to cooperate.
Article 6 If the defense requires the presence of a representative of the Office of Claims and Contracts in the judicial authority, in the jurisdiction of Tehran, one of the experts of the said office by the head
That office is introduced and outside the jurisdiction of Tehran, and also in cases where it is not possible to introduce the representative of the said office, it is notified to the relevant Chief Justice to introduce himself on behalf of one of the legal experts to the relevant judicial authority and this expert is obliged Take a report of the action taken to the Claims and Contracts Office to record the action taken.
This instruction in 6 articles and 2 notes was approved by the head of the judiciary on 7/3/1400.
Head of Judiciary – Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejieh »
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