Internal messenger user statistics released

30 Aban 1400 at 07:24
Statistics of users of internal messengers have been released, which shows that despite the filtering of Twitter and Telegram, these applications still have more users.
After the blocking of Telegram in 1397, some people thought that this messenger, like Twitter and Facebook, would lose many of its users, but in such circumstances, the filter breakers prospered and did not allow Telegram to be forgotten. However, a number of users of this messenger migrated to the unfiltered WhatsApp application, and this program became the most popular messenger among Iranian users.
According to the results of a survey conducted by the Iranian Student Opinion Polling Center last year, 64.1% of Iranians aged 18 and over are members of WhatsApp Messenger, followed by Instagram with 43.5%, and lower than this application and in Telegram ranks third with 36.3%. In the next rankings are ETA, Soroush, Yes, Facebook and Twitter with 4.8%, 4%, ۳3.3% and 2%, respectively.
1.8% of people use internal messengers
Also, according to the results of a survey conducted by this center in August of this year, in response to the question of which social media you are active in, 48.8% of people stated that they are active only in foreign media messages such as Instagram, Telegram and WhatsApp. . On the other hand, local media such as Rubika, Soroush and have been welcomed by 1.8% of Iranian users. 22.8% of the people also stated that they are members of both local and foreign media at the same time, and 27% of the people are not active in any of the domestic and foreign media.
Amir Khorakian, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Deputy of the National Cyberspace Center, presented a report on domestic messengers at a recent meeting of the Joint Protection Plan Joint Commission. He said that the policies and actions of the media have been approved by the Supreme Council of Cyberspace since 1996, and since 1997, when the activities of domestic messengers began with special support, we have seen ups and downs.
Khorakian said in connection with the social media statistics that 11 million and 600 thousand people have registered in ETA so far, of which 3 million and 380 thousand people have monthly activities. Also, 12 million and 200 thousand people have registered in Soroush Messenger, of which 2 million and 300 thousand people have monthly activities. 8 million and 445 thousand people have registered in Yes Messenger, of which 1 million and 382 thousand people work on a monthly basis. Finally, 6 million and 300 thousand people have registered in Gap Messenger, of which 4 million and 400 thousand people have monthly activities.
Indigenous media messages have 20 million users
He went on to say that according to estimates, regardless of subscribers, these messengers have a total of about 20 million unique users, which is an acceptable statistic. Experience has shown that when the internal service is properly activated and provides service, it is given maximum attention by users. Thus, it turns out that the claims that internal services are not welcomed by the people are completely wrong, and we believe that when the internal service is appropriate and provides good services to its users, it is welcomed by 70% of the people. .
According to the Deputy Minister of Legal Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs of the National Cyberspace Center, routing services were activated in the country when the bulk of the market share was held by foreign services, and even two local services managed to bring the service to a level where we do not need foreign samples and replace them. Were.
Khorakian also described the amount of traffic consumed by Internet services and ixp media in the National Information Center.
Afshin Kolahy, Head of the Knowledge-Based Business Office of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, said in response to the statistics that the information provided by the representative of the National Cyberspace Center did not seem correct and that the parliament should make a decision based on accurate information. According to the traffic statistics of internal messengers, it is clear that people have not registered on these platforms voluntarily. He added that the statistics also show that no specific information is exchanged on domestic social media. Now that the number of active users has been announced as a few million, we expect to see more traffic consumed by the public. Visibility is the most important issue for platforms. If there are 20 million people working on these platforms, then why do the authorities themselves use Twitter to be seen?