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Iran and Russia will produce a joint TV series – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Masoud Ahmadvand, the cultural consultant of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Russia, with the directors of the film company Profit met In this meeting, except for the CEO of the film company ProfitFive people involved in the production of the series were also present in this shirt. Referring to the development of cinematographic relations between Iran and Russia and the determination of the government and private sector managers of the two countries to cooperate in the field of film and cinema, Ahmadvand said: We hope to have some joint production projects soon. which is being negotiated between Iranian and Russian cinema activists to reach the final results.

He added: The beginning of these projects will open a new chapter in the cultural relations of the two countries, and one of the ways to familiarize the people of Iran and Russia with the realities without the mediation of the Western media will be formed through this lens.

Igor Tolstonov The project manager and director of this TV series also gave explanations about the script, technical specifications, assistants and executive team of this series while introducing the filmmaking team.

Tolstonov Explaining the plot of this television series, he added: We are interested in making 10 episodes of our series in the Islamic Republic of Iran with the help of Iranian cinema activists in the artistic and technical fields.

Then the director and script the writer This series also talked about its content and the parties agreed on the execution process of this project.

Getting to know the film company Profit

Profit It is one of the most reliable film production companies in Russia, which has produced more than 100 films and series for national Russian networks such as One Channel, Russia Network, since 1995. it T view S T S has been operating Films produced by this company have won top prizes at various international festivals such as Oscar, Cannes and Moscow. Part of were the main candidates.

Movies like “Everybody Dies But I Stay” by Valeria Guy Germeniko (Winner of Cannes and Munich Festival) “East-West” by Regisa Varney (Oscar nominee and golden globe), “Thief” by Pavel Chokhrai (Venice Festival winner and Oscar nominee and golden globe), “Shooter Voroshilovsky” Effect Stanislav Govarkhin (Award kinotaur), “Traveling with pets” by Vera Strozhiova (First prize of the Moscow International Film Festival) are some of the productions of this company.

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