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Is a hair mask better or hair oil?

Hair plays a stunning role in every person’s beauty. A person who has damaged hair or the density of their hair is not as good as it should be, and usually suffers from low self-esteem. Today, there are various ways to achieve healthy and beautiful hair. In order to have thick and silky hair, in addition to the right shampoo, you usually need products such as hair masks or hair oils. But what is the difference between a hair mask and a hair oil? Which to choose?

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What is a hair mask?

Nourishing and hydrating the scalp is the most important function that a hair mask performs. Hair mask is also known as a deep conditioner that has a high emollient power. Compared to hair conditioners, hair masks are often thicker and can stay on the hair longer. Of course, there are different types of hair masks, and some of them can even be kept on the hair overnight to prevent hair loss.

Benefits of using a hair mask

The benefits of using a hair mask vary slightly depending on the ingredients. But in general, the hair mask has the following properties for the hair:

  • Shinier and softer hair
  • Increase hydration of the hair
  • Prevent brittle hair
  • Prevention of conjunctivitis
  • Maintain the health of the scalp
  • Strengthens hair against environmental damage
  • Help increase hair growth

In the next section, we will introduce hair oil and its benefits to you so that you can make a better decision between choosing a hair mask or hair oil.

What is hair oil?

Hair oil can be used to increase moisture, shine and health of hair. Hair oil can be used on both the scalp and the hair. Frequent washing sometimes damages the hair. With the help of hair oil, vitamins and nutrients lost from the hair can be partially replaced. It has been undoubtedly many centuries since the first time hair oil was used to enhance hair health. India is one of the countries that has always been a leader in the use of hair oil. In recent years, many other countries, including Iran, have been very successful in producing hair oils.

The best oils that can be used for hair are: Argan oil, Sesame oil, Coconut oil, Almond oil, Alma oil, Olive oil and Moringa oil. You can also use a combination of these oils.

Benefits of using hair oil

Oils play an important role in protecting hair from wear and tear. When you regularly grease your hair, you will return the moisture lost to the hair due to washing and environmental factors, and dry hair will disappear. Oils protect the hair follicles from surfactants by filling in the gaps between the cuticle cells. Hair oil can also be used to maintain the health of the scalp. To do this, you can massage the hair oil directly on your scalp. This, according to many experts, may be helpful in preventing hair loss.

Oils contain fatty acids that help replace hair lipids. Lipids play an important role in hair health and also contribute to hair shine. The oil also helps to strengthen the hair shaft so that it is not frizzy and brittle. If you let the hair oil stay on your hair overnight, you will get better results.

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Hair oil

The difference between hair masks and hair oils

To know which of these two products to choose, you should be familiar with their differences:

How to use hair mask and hair oil

One of the differences between hair masks and hair oils is how they are used. Hair masks often need to be applied only to the hair shaft. Of course, the recipe for using a hair mask varies depending on the type and brand, but in most cases, the general recipe is to avoid hitting the hair roots. But in the case of hair oil, the situation is different. This product can be used both on the hair roots and on the hair shaft. Hair masks often need to be applied to the hair for a final 20 minutes, but hair oil can be allowed to remain on the hair for long hours, for example from night to morning.

Time to use hair mask and hair oil

Another difference between hsir madk and oil hair is when using them. There are usually two types of hair masks: hair mask after bath and hair mask inside the bath. Therefore, it should be used either after shampooing or when it is taken out of the bath and the hair is still damp. But hair oil should often be used before bathing. Of course, there are also types that can be used after the bath. As we mentioned in the previous section, hair oil, if left on the hair for long hours, not only does not cause a problem, but it is better. But in most cases, the hair mask can not be kept on the hair shaft for several hours because it may even cause hair loss.

Hair mask containing hair oil

In some cases, the hair mask itself contains hair oil. For example, they use coconut oil or argan oil. This type of hair mask may or may not require rinsing. Therefore, the recipe on the product must be read carefully.

Hair mask or hair oil?

Given the explanations we have given about the features and benefits of these two products, it is ultimately up to you to decide whether the hair mask is more suitable for you or the hair oil. In many cases you can use both at the same time because there is no ban in this area:

Simultaneous use of masks and hair oils

For example, you can apply hair oil to your hair and scalp a few hours before going to the bathroom, and then use a hair mask after shampooing. Sometimes you can put a hair mask in the bath and postpone the use of hair oil until after coming out of the bath. Of course, in this case, it is better to use hair oil that does not cause too much greasy hair. For example, argan oil is suitable for this purpose.

Concluding remarks

Hair mask or hair oil? Both of these products are great for hair care and you can use both. One cannot be considered and introduced better than the other at all. If your hair is very dry both before and after the bath, apply hair oil before the bath and use a hair mask after washing your hair to have more resistant and more beautiful hair.

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