
Is it possible to increase car production?

He continued: “It means that the peak circulation of the automobile industry in 1390 was one million and 640 thousand units, which last year reached about 900 thousand units. The plan for the year 1401 is to produce 1.6 million units.

The secretary of the Association of Homogeneous Parts Manufacturers of the country, stating that about 84% of a car is a part that parts manufacturers play a major role in the production program, said: If we have a plan that must be implemented, it needs to do some work. Now, in order to increase production, we have to make the program light and heavy with non-governmental organizations of parts manufacturing and the component manufacturers themselves.

Mohebbinejad, stating that the implementation of any program can not be achieved by order, said: “We must provide infrastructure to achieve this program, this program is possible and a careful monitoring and deviations must be controlled, and in addition, the prerequisites for the implementation of the program must be provided.” ; The components are working and we are sure we can do it.

Regarding the shortage of parts in the market, he said: “The shortage of parts is related to some issues that should be considered; One is in production, out of 1,200 small and large parts manufacturers in the country, which are in categories 1, 2 and 3, as many as 400 manufacturers are closed and semi-closed and must return to the production cycle.

Mohebbinejad continued: The component makers who are currently active are working at 50% capacity, but their activity does not reach 100% capacity quickly.

The secretary of the Association of Homogeneous Parts Manufacturers of the country explained: it is a part related to the supply of materials and materials; It is also necessary to update the technical knowledge and invest in updating this category.

Emphasizing that in the past, 85% of domestic car parts have been imported and mass-produced, he said: “We have made progress in the production of these parts to a depth of 85% localization, and the remaining 15% is the discussion of domestic tables in cars.” New up to 92% internalization has been done.

Mohebbinejad said: the rest of the parts that have not been localized will be localized in another year with the help of a series of new technologies that enter the automotive industry.

He said that the problem of supplying special alloys and petrochemicals and special materials for special parts and automobile industries that are not produced in the country is not in the hands of automakers and parts manufacturers, he said: in the future requires national and international projects to increase production. .

He said: “With all these descriptions, the realization of one million and 600 thousand devices is possible despite the record in 1390, provided that we bring the private sector to work and use the experts of this industry and draw up an operational plan.”


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