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Is sleeping with a wireless handsfree harmful to your hearing system?

During this time, many of us fall asleep only when we listen to soft music. In big cities, this tendency is mostly due to the noise of our surroundings, such as noise from builders, traffic jams, and so on. Also, when traveling, sleeping with the upside down or Wireless handsfree It seems necessary to stifle the noise of other passengers. Today, sleeping with any of these devices has become very common. In the following, we intend to describe the benefits and risks of continuous use of these devices for the hearing system.

What we read in this article

Is it safe to sleep with an AirPad Pro or wireless handsfree?

Provided it is used correctly, use Types of AirPads, Earphones or handphones can be safe and help us to easily experience a deep sleep. If you are listening to music with headphones, make sure that the volume is not too high and also does not put too much pressure on the outer layer of the ear.

Dangerous effects of sleeping with a wireless handsfree or ipad

Used improperly, headphones or earplugs can cause irreparable damage to our corners. Here are some of them:

Accumulation of wax or earwax

By placing the earpad deep in the ear, there is a risk of earwax buildup. This is because the earpad blocks airflow into the corners, so wax or plaque can easily accumulate in the eardrum. It is very difficult to get rid of accumulated masses over time without causing any damage to the eardrum.

Inflammation of the outer ear

Irritation of the ear canal is called otitis externa. In the worst case, the skin around the ear canal slowly peels off, causing fluid and infection to enter the ear. This will cause pain in the outer ear. The ear canal is important because it connects the outer ear to the eardrum. This condition is very common among swimmers but can occur in people who are constantly out Types of wireless and Bluetooth handsfree Or AirPad Pro Use, also occur. For this reason, caution is required if using these devices while sleeping.

Dead tissue

If the earpad is not placed properly in the ear, it puts a lot of pressure on the outer skin of the ear canal. This will cause the skin tissue in this area to peel off over time.

Safety related items

If you use earpads to play music (or earplugs that block out ambient noise), you may not be able to hear the alarm in the middle of the night; This can lead to disaster in an emergency.

Benefits of sleeping with wireless handsfree and Operapad

Here are some benefits of sleeping with headphones:

Mute the surrounding sound

With headphones or earpads, all the noise around you is suddenly cut off, so it helps you to sleep comfortably and deeply. By listening to soothing music, you can relieve the stress accumulated in your body in addition to stopping the surrounding noise.

Relax and help treat insomnia and PTSD

Listening to soothing music with a headphone helps a comfortable and deep sleep. Studies show that listening to music before bedtime creates a sense of calm and focus on the sleep process instead of disturbing thoughts, which can greatly help people with insomnia and PTSD.

Stimulation of serotonin

Serotonin is a chemical hormone that is secreted by the brain and makes us feel good. Listening to music is one of the best ways to release serotonin and create a sense of relaxation and happiness. When we feel good, it becomes very easy to fall asleep.

question and answer

  1. Can falling asleep with a wireless handsfree or Operapad lead to cancer?

No, it will not cause cancer. The question for many people is whether it is safe to sleep with Bluetooth headphones. These doubts and questions arise from the fact that they have heard about electromagnetic waves. We assure you that Bluetooth and cancer have nothing to do with each other.

  1. What kind of music is useful for falling asleep?

Everyone has their own taste. The best music for sleep is close to your heart rate (which is between 60 and 80 beats per minute). For this purpose, there are many applications through which you can search for your favorite music.

at the end

The most important thing is that if you use Wireless handsfree Or AirPad Pro, You need to put it right in your corners. To avoid the dangers of electromagnetic waves, avoid sleeping with headphones connected to a charging phone. Digital tools developed and developed in the field of hearing health can also help maintain your health using technology, in this case you can read an article from the World Health Organization:

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