According to the Fars News Agency’s urban correspondent, Alireza Zakani told reporters on the sidelines of the 55th session of the Tehran Islamic Council: “Seven new metro stations are to be opened this year and the deficit of at least 14 kilometers and 500 meters of other sections is to be compensated.” If nearly 70,000 billion tomans are spent on seven active subway lines, the desirability of using the seven subway lines will be doubled; Therefore, the main goal of urban management is to complete these seven lines, and then the studies of the other four lines with 138 stations will be operational.
The mayor of Tehran said about the construction of LRT: In the past, a route from the east of Tehran to Wardavard was predicted, but now the implementation of this project has been reactivated. A company has also been contacted in Malaysia to implement the plan by the private sector if approved by the High Traffic Council.
He stated that these revenue figures are not enough for the municipality of Tehran, he said: During a period from 1393 onwards, the issuance of construction permits decreased, but in 1397 jumped and again began to decline. In 1399, over 7,000 construction licenses were issued; Last year, about 5,300 licenses were issued.
The mayor of Tehran further emphasized: the municipality is looking to create facilities for housing construction; This action does not include compaction. This plan of the municipality is worn out in the context that through the Article Five Commission and the Urban Planning Council, we will provide an incentive floor permit in exchange for the consolidation of properties, so that construction will be economical for the citizens.
Zakani stated that according to the estimates made in the consolidation of dilapidated properties, providing a one-class incentive license will be equivalent to providing 70% incentives to applicants. , This caused the city to move towards wear and tear and instability.
According to him, construction tolls are divided into five categories, and this category includes not receiving tolls up to a 23% increase in tolls on average. This increase will allow the municipality to boost construction in the city.
The mayor of Tehran further stated: In addition, there are various groups in the municipality that have led to the growth of urban management revenue with financial discipline. This revenue has existed in the past but has not been calculated in the right place. For example, the revenue of the beautification field has tripled since the arrival of the new urban management.
Zakani, stating that the municipality has taken a step to turn the spending capacity of the management complex into revenue-generating opportunities, said: For example, the waste financial cycle in Tehran is at least 3,500 billion tomans, and 1,000 billion tomans will be spent to generate revenue. Go to the pockets of the people from this dirty gold.
In the end, he announced that the minimum research budget of Tehran Municipality in 1401 was equal to 62 thousand billion Tomans.
The mayor of Tehran, stating that the short-term goal of the municipality in the field of public transportation includes the modernization of taxis, vans and the development of the bus fleet, explained: It is predicted that about 150% of the current capacity of the bus fleet will grow in 1401, ie 3,250 buses will be put into operation to increase 150% of current capacity. This is unprecedented compared to previous periods, and such growth is unprecedented in one year.
Announcing that 1,300 buses will be rebuilt and 950 buses will be purchased, Zakani said: “In addition, another 1,000 buses have been licensed by the Infrastructure Commission to import buses with less than five years of operation from abroad.”
The mayor of Tehran further said about the municipal budget: The realization of the budget of 1400 was unique compared to previous years and more than 93% of the budget was realized. In recent years, about 70 to 80 percent of the budget has been realized. The budget was approved at the beginning of last year at 48,400 billion tomans, but along the way, the budget for 1400 was amended to 37,700 billion tomans.
The mayor of Tehran, stating that 13 thousand and 100 billion tomans of cash and non-cash from the 1400 budget had been achieved in the first six months, added: But thanks to God, in the second half of 1400, about 22,000 billion tomans were realized in cash and non-cash from the budget. This number indicates that the effort pays off in the right way.
Zakani, in response to a question about how this figure was realized from the budget of 1400 in the second half of the year, said: “We should try to activate the municipal body to face and work in the city in return for this path.” Also, creating a single financial order and treasury in the municipality made us successful in this direction. The single treasury and financial order made it possible for the municipality to have serious control over the management and follow-up of issues.
He continued: “Despite the predictions that were repeatedly announced that the new municipality is not able to realize 30,000 billion tomans of the budget, but we were able to achieve about 35,000 billion tomans of the budget.” We hope that the budget of 1401 will be realized with a higher ceiling in order to face the citizens of Tehran in the welfare and infrastructure areas of the city with quite obvious changes.
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