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Jihadi action to build schools is one of the important goals of the government in deprived areas – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Ahmad Mahmoudzadeh added in the meeting of the Education Council of Khoi city on Tuesday evening: Jihadist and revolutionary work in the discussion of building schools in deprived areas and popularizing education is one of the main axes of the current government’s plan, especially in deprived areas. .

He continued: “Participation is an issue that this ministry has always used to achieve its heavy goals and missions.”

Mahmoudzadeh added: In this regard, this ministry has monitored the issue of schools affiliated with benefactors, benefactors, government agencies and revolutionary institutions and has signed memorandums of understanding in this regard.

The Deputy Minister of Education said: Jihadi and revolutionary work in the discussion of school construction in deprived areas and the discussion of popularization of education is one of the main axes of the current government’s plan, especially in deprived areas.

He stated that the continuation of the Islamic revolution requires the training of manpower with a jihadist spirit, and said: His Holiness, in the statement of the second step of the revolution, considers education and training to be the main pillar of transformation and manpower to be the greatest capital of the country.

Mahmoodzadeh said: Khoi city has good capacities in the educational and scientific sector, and educational and scientific issues are being followed up in the form of a transformation document in this city.

The Deputy Minister of Education has traveled to Khoi today, Tuesday, to review the progress of the late “Skineh Namaki” school and the development plan of this collaborative project.

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