Judiciary » Agricultural Jihad officials should be sensitive in changing uses

According to the Public Relations Department of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Raisi, head of the Judiciary, after meeting with judges, employees of the judicial system and subordinate organizations in East Azerbaijan province, attended the meeting of the administrative council of this province.
At the beginning of this meeting, Ayatollah Raisi said: I thank the efforts of managers and officials and administrative departments who serve the people and untangle the knots in this province without any name or sign or advertisement. Of course, there is no scope for me to serve each and every one of them. I hope that the mourning in these two months will be accepted by the right door; Especially in the region of Azerbaijan, which is known for the love of Aba Abdallah (a.s.) and Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.), and this issue is really making waves in this region. It is hoped that with these appeals, God will send His blessings to this region and to the whole country.
The Head of the Judiciary continued: One of the basic axes is to pay attention to the law and rule of law, and paying attention to the law can put the country on the right track with all conditions and situations and ups and downs.
It is one of the prides of our country that it is based on people’s vote
He added: Our country is a country of elections, and this is one of the prides of our country, which is based on people’s votes, and people’s votes are referred to at all levels of the country.
Stating that this issue is one of the honors of our constitution, Ayatollah Raeesi said: Legalism can be useful for all levels, and the monitoring of collections is internal monitoring before external monitoring. Managers are responsible for supervising their subordinates and their own performance; Of course, the supervision of the inspection organization, the accounting bureau, or the program and budget organization, etc., is a help to managers.
The head of the judiciary continued: The principle of supervision is the duty of all managers to supervise their subordinates and not let problems arise after a while and we witness the emergence of problems that are not easy to solve.
If structural problems are solved, many problems will be minimized
He said: “The issue of privatization is an issue that has made people suffer in many parts of the country today, when a factory is handed over and the eligibility of the buyer is not checked, and the manner in which he was brought in is not properly checked, and then he faces production stoppage and other problems.” to be
Ayatollah Raeesi continued: In the first meeting, I raised some points with the speaker of the parliament and the representatives, which was the issue of the type of handovers, and I said that this type of handover has structural problems and the structure is in trouble and must be solved.
The head of the judiciary said: If the structural problems are solved, many problems will be minimized. Monetary system, production, banking system, import and export should be made in such a way that whoever becomes responsible in any part, cannot violate.
Corrupt and offending sites should be corrected
He emphasized: the mechanism should be set up in such a way that the corruption-causing and violation-causing platforms are corrected, and this will exists in the country. We see you, the managers, the government, the media and the parliament on our side.
Ayatollah Raisi emphasized that today the fight against corruption is the desire of the whole nation and said: Who is concerned about the system and the revolution and does not agree with the fight against corruption? Unless it does not concern the country and the system. Is it possible for someone to be concerned about the system and the country and deal with corruption?
The head of the judicial system continued: In the morning, I told the meeting of entrepreneurs that no entrepreneur, investor, industrialist, or businessman is ready to bribe institutions and people. But what constitutes a bribe?
He continued: When someone sees that a work that should be done in two days is done in 20 months, they say to establish a relationship and give something; That is, no one is ready to bribe; We have to solve this bureaucracy in the offices.
Ayatollah Raisi emphasized: If an investor wants to invest, he should do so easily. When he encounters obstacles, he gives bribes and problems for the administrative apparatus begin.
Referring to the necessity of justice, the head of the judiciary said: “The issue of justice is broad; But in this area, we want to agree that justice is the best indicator of law enforcement today, and we cannot agree otherwise. For now, let’s say that justice is violated to the extent that the law is violated, and justice is done to the extent that the law is followed, and let’s agree on this issue.
The entrepreneur should easily be able to get agreement in principle
He continued: The necessity of doing justice is to consider corruption as a cog in the wheel and consider dealing with corruption to pave the way for the prosperity of production. The entrepreneur should easily be able to get agreement in principle, but if he encounters problems, he will create unhealthy relationships and a thousand other problems. it happens.
Ayatollah Raisi raised the question why it is difficult for someone who wants to meet an official, and said: I am not saying that the manager’s room should be open every day; because he has work and meetings; But he should open the door of his room for people to access him, so that it is not necessary for clear and administrative relationships to turn into unhealthy relationships in which many issues can happen. In the boom of production that despite the economic war and the fact that the enemy has come with all its capacity to create problems for the country, today the will of our managers in running the country is based on the motivation and revolutionary outlook.
The head of the judicial system said: The will of our entrepreneurs and investors makes the plans of the enemy come to naught, and the only way to do that is for us to be able to use these capacities. For example, the capacity of concentrated human resources in East Azerbaijan, especially young people, is a huge capacity.
He continued: The capacity of huge reserves that God has given to this province and neighboring provinces and to the whole country is the source of many problems. I would like to ask you managers, what is the relationship between some European countries and Sahel, and how much is our relationship with Sahel? We have a connection of 3 thousand kilometers, how much are they? But 50% of their gross national product income comes from the marine economy; If for us it is 3 or 4 percent in the most optimistic case.
The first task of the government in the discussion of privatization is to empower the set that has been handed over
Emphasizing that empowering the private sector is one of the important duties of the government, Ayatollah Raisi said: “Giving up the ego will not solve the problem, this is the beginning of the work.” The first task of the government is to empower the group that has been handed over.
He added: In this same province, I have a report that 32 factories that were facing labor and production problems have been saved from this issue and they have not allowed this to happen, and there are nearly 500 cases in the country that the judicial system has followed up on factories or companies. Those who have problems do not let them remain problems.
Ayatollah Raeesi stated: People should know that they must adhere to their obligations. The government, big companies and all of us must stick to our commitments, and if people know that the institutions that have power in their hands stick to their commitments, they will stick to their own commitments.
In the fight against corruption, all institutions should see the holes and close them
He said: In the fight against corruption, all institutions should see the holes and close them. During the past few days, one of the managers called me and said that a factory was closed and its manager committed a violation. I called the department and asked what the problem was. They said that this factory has been closed by its manager since August and a part of the government has also complained that instead of using raw materials in the factory, he sold them in the open market and did not pay the wages of the workers for three months and the workers complained. .
Ayatollah Raisi continued: Following this, several incidents occurred, including the closing of the factory, making workers unemployed, selling raw materials in the market, and not paying workers’ salaries. It is walking and this means fighting corruption.
No factory manager should feel unsupported
He stressed: We should not allow any factory or workshop to be closed, and no factory manager should feel that he is without support, and his legal and judicial support should be provided, and the administrative bodies should provide him with financial and facilities. and support him.
In part of his statements in this council, the head of the judiciary stated: It is necessary for everyone to abide by covenants, and breaking covenants is the worst of all, and worse than all the institutions that have power in their hands.
Agricultural Jihad is the front line of preserving lands and natural resources
Ayatollah Raisi addressed the officials of the agricultural jihad of East Azarbaijan province and said: They must be sensitive in changing uses; Because the agricultural jihad is the front line of preserving lands and natural resources; Therefore, you take action and the law has given you authority. Of course, there is a point in the law that is a loophole and must be resolved by the parliament, and we have reflected this issue.
He clarified: There is a legal article, the top of the article is very strong, but below it there is a sentence that has different interpretations that we should close the openings and not let people abuse these openings.
Ayatollah Raisi noted: Forests and national lands are people’s reserves that should be preserved and not let them fall into the hands of traders and different people.
The amendment of the Dispute Resolution Council will be submitted to the parliament within the next week or two
He continued: The amendment of the dispute resolution council will be submitted to the parliament within the next week or two, and the parliament should work hard so that we can solve the problems of this council.
The head of the judiciary emphasized that the fight against corruption is not temporary; Rather, it is continuous, he continued: Some people think that this issue is a seasonal, ceremonial, temporary and political movement, which is not the case, and the fight against corruption is in the essence of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic system, and the government, parliament and judiciary cannot fight against corruption. be indifferent and everyone’s duty in this regard is clear.
The spirit of fighting corruption should be in all managers
He pointed out that all managers should have the spirit of fighting corruption, and any manager who is indifferent in dealing with corruption, this view is one of the serious shortcomings of management, and the owner of such a view cannot be a manager in the Islamic system.
Ayatollah Raisi continued: It is mentioned in the hadiths about the good things that a believer is not a believer if he does not feel against leaving the good things and doing the bad things. Religious education dictates that we should be persistent in these cases.
He emphasized: I am sure that with the current situation, the country has shown that it wants to resist the economic war; He should take an active stance and not reach out to foreigners because the enemy has understood this will.
The head of the Judiciary added: “With this determined will, flag-bearer of the leadership and efforts of the managers and the efforts of all sympathizers, the nation is becoming more hopeful day by day and the hope of the people is increasing.”
Managers can play a role in increasing people’s trust in the system and the efficiency of the system
Ayatollah Raeesi said: the group of managers can increase this huge social capital efficiently and they can play a role in increasing people’s trust in the system and the efficiency of the system. Anyone in any position and in any position, whether he wants it or not, knows it or not, and disappoints the people, has moved in the direction of the enemy’s strategy, and everyone gives hope to the people with his actions and words, in the direction of the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which creates hope in the hearts of the people. has taken a step.