Judiciary »People’s access to justice must become less costly and more desirable

The Chief Justice at the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary:
According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Judiciary, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei in today’s meeting (Monday, April 6) of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, congratulating the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, this month is an exceptional opportunity for everyone to satisfy the Almighty and enjoy divine favors. He knew and said: The holy month of Ramadan has a high dignity, honor and virtue, and everyone should be diligent in maintaining the sanctity of this month and the divine sanctity.
The head of the judiciary, referring to the issue of “full implementation of the document of judicial transformation and its excellence”, which is one of the 15 priorities of the judiciary in 1401, said: Deepen the judiciary and make this issue wider and more operational, so that the goals of the system and the responsibilities of the judiciary in the constitution and the requirements of the Supreme Leader’s communiqué become more concrete.
The head of the judiciary considered “taking higher steps to achieve social justice” as one of the main goals of the judiciary in 1401, and in this regard referred to the emphases and remarks of the Supreme Leader and the requirements of the second step of the Islamic Revolution. Based on the establishment of justice.
“Realizing the slogan of the year and full and comprehensive support for producers, entrepreneurs and knowledge-based companies” is one of the 15 priorities of the judiciary this year, which Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei explained in the previous session of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary; In today’s meeting, the head of the judiciary once again reminded the officials and different sections of the judiciary to make diligent and consistent efforts to realize, operationalize and make the slogan of the year as real as possible.
In this regard, the Judge stressed: “It should not be the case that the slogan of the year is written only in the corner of the paper, but efforts should be made to implement it, and the judiciary will assist all parts of the country and the other two powers in achieving this goal.”
The head of the judiciary considered “untying the knot from the work of the people” as one of the main goals of the group under his command in 1401, and referring to the prayer ordered during the holy month of Ramadan, in which we ask God to “satisfy every hungry person and satisfy every sadness.” And set every prisoner free “, he stated:” Untying the knots from the work of the people is a virtuous act, and this act is more virtuous in the society; Therefore, considering the symmetry of the holy month of Ramadan with the early days of 1401, officials and judicial colleagues must be more diligent in untying the knot of the work of the people.
“Facilitating and accelerating the access of the people to the judiciary” is another goal of the judiciary this year, which was emphasized by Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei in today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary; In this regard, the head of the judiciary said: “People’s access to justice should be less costly and more desirable, and the confrontation of judicial colleagues with clients should be accompanied by kindness, and the judiciary will diligently pursue this goal this year.”
The head of the judiciary further advised judicial officials to avoid creating margins and following the margins created by others and entertaining them, and to focus solely on advancing goals and priorities.
“Avoiding luxury, aristocracy and welfare was another recommendation and emphasis of Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei to judicial officials; In this regard, the Chief Justice reminded his subordinates that paying attention to welfare and luxury will cause people to neglect their problems and issues and find a solution to solve them.
In this regard, the Judge also reminded everyone to strictly refrain from any action that would impose political, cultural and material costs on the country and the people.
Following today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei instructed all organizations and departments of the Judiciary to present their operational plans and goals for the current year as soon as possible; He also instructed the Strategic Deputy of the Judiciary to monitor the plans and targets presented by the various branches of the judiciary in accordance with the Transformation Document and the requirements of the time.
The Head of the Judiciary praised the Prisons Organization for setting eight priorities for this year, on “categorizing and separating prisoners as much as possible, taking into account various criteria such as age, type of crime, etc.” and “serving sentences in prison.” “The place of residence or the closest prison to the place of residence of their family as much as possible.”
“Utilizing the people’s capacity to re-socialize prisoners and employ them” was another recommendation of the Judge to the head of the Prisons Organization. Do not limit themselves to this kind of charitable assistance and use the high capacities of the people to create more change in the prisons.
Following today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the Chief Justice referred to his order from last year on how to use handcuffs and handcuffs when arresting or transferring defendants and convicts, and instructed the Legal Deputy of the Judiciary to cooperate as soon as possible with other judicial departments. In accordance with all existing laws and regulations, to draw up instructions to make the use of handcuffs and shackles more disciplined in order to arrest the accused and transfer the convicts from prison to the prosecutor’s office or the court.
The head of the judiciary noted that the order issued last year on how to use handcuffs and bindings on defendants and convicts was not fully and comprehensively implemented by officers and other judicial departments.
He added: “It should be noted that it is not necessary for all defendants to use handcuffs and shackles in front of the eyes of family or colleagues or also when transferring convicts from prison to judicial authorities, unless these people are dangerous criminals.”
Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei in the end, while praising the people and the police force who helped to create an atmosphere full of peace and security in the country during the Nowruz holiday, lamented the occurrence of road accidents and the efforts of all relevant departments and agencies to reduce He stressed the need to eliminate road casualties.
In the second part of today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims, Mohseni Ejei, while thanking the head of the General Inspection Organization for taking steps to fulfill the slogan of the year, noted: Correspondence and correspondence should be limited, but concrete measures should be taken in this regard; Also, in case of a brief observation about the realization of the slogan of the year, it should not be enough to just send a letter and issue a warning, but the work should be followed until the result is achieved.
“Khodaeian”, the head of the General Inspection Organization, also mentioned in this meeting, referring to the instructions of this organization in order to support production and knowledge-based companies, which was announced on April 29, this year: The pathology and statistics of the duties of the executive apparatus are provided to support the production and knowledge-based companies, as well as to follow up on the operation of these tasks.
Referring to the formation of a working group and secretariat of “Support for Production and Knowledge-Based Companies” in the General Inspection Organization, Khodaian said: It has been decided that each of the centers of the Inspection Organization in the provinces will form a working group for this issue and actively pursue issues. کردن.
Referring to his 4-hour visit to the campus technology park yesterday, which was accompanied by the vice president for science and technology, he said: “Execution and willingness to buy foreign products by the agencies”, “Failure to apply discounts and exemptions in the rules and regulations for knowledge-based companies”, “Long time allotment of facilities” and “Non-payment of claims by the executive agencies”, including issues and The main problems are knowledge-based companies.
Khodaeian continued: In the inspection organization of the whole country, we planned to have at least one meeting every month with the presence of the officials of knowledge-based companies and to address their issues and concerns.
The head of the National Inspection Organization also announced the conduct of on-duty inspections on the activities of service providers between March 19 and April 5 and said: “We are currently summarizing this report.”
Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Abdullahi, the head of the Judiciary Information Protection Center, also announced the arrest of two Behbahan city registration staff who had changed the use of a river and sold it.
Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims “Pourkhaqan”, the head of the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces, also in this meeting about the conduct of nearly 1,860 cases of defiance of the Armed Forces units by the officials of the Judiciary of the Armed Forces and prosecutors across the country between March 17, 2009 and April 4 Monitoring the protection of civil rights and the restoration of public rights and said: these days 338 visits to patrol centers, 671 visits to police stations, including police stations and checkpoints, 58 visits to air transport centers, land and terminals There were 393 visits to detention centers, 42 visits to the country’s borders, as well as 351 visits to other units, including the Prevention, Awareness and Counter-Narcotics Police.
He also referred to his presence in the Information and Intelligent Traffic Control Center of the NAJA Rahoor Police at the beginning of this year and said: “The police, especially the Rahoor Police, shone brightly during the Nowruz holidays this year.”
“Babaei”, the head of the State Property and Deeds Registration Organization, in this meeting, referring to the receipt of 74 thousand billion tomans from the arrears of banks in the registration units during 1400, announced that this figure has tripled compared to 1399.
Babaei added: “As a result of the efforts and actions of the staff of the registration units throughout the country during 1400, the formation of nearly 1.2 million cases in the judiciary was prevented.”
“Mohammadi”, the head of the Prisons Organization, referring to the inspections and raids carried out on prisons and detention centers in the early days of 1400, said: “During Nowruz this year, 8 teams raided 169 prisons and detention centers across the country.” These visits had a great impact on the security of prisoners during Nowruz.