Legal and judicialsocial

Judiciary » Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution agreed to pardon or reduce the punishment of two thousand two hundred and seventy-two convicts of the public and revolutionary courts.

On the occasion of the coming of the holidays of Saeed Gurban and Ghadir Khome, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, they agreed to pardon or reduce the punishment of two thousand two hundred and seventy-two (2272) of those convicted by the public and revolutionary courts, the judicial organization of the armed forces and government punishments.

According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Judiciary, on the occasion of the coming of the holidays of Saeed Gurban and Ghadir Khome, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, two thousand two hundred and seventy-two (2272) convicts of the public and revolutionary courts were pardoned or reduced by the judicial organization of the armed forces. And government sanctions agreed.

In a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Mohseni Ajei, the head of the judiciary, proposed pardoning or reducing and commuting the sentence of these convicts whose pardon cases were reviewed by the Pardon and Forgiveness Commission and found to be eligible. 11 Article 110 of the Constitution was accepted by Ayatollah Khamenei.

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Sadegh Rahimi, the judicial deputy of the Judiciary, while explaining the details of the Leader of the Revolution’s agreement to pardon or reduce the sentences of convicts on the occasion of the holidays of Qurban and Ghadir, stated: On the occasion of the holidays of Qurban and Ghadir, the leader of the revolution pardoned and reduced the sentences of 2,272 people. They agreed that 811 people were eligible for amnesty leading to freedom and 1461 people were eligible for amnesty leading to reduction or commutation of punishment.

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Rahimi stated: 43 of the pardoned cases were among those sentenced to death out of 2,272 cases, 7 cases were among those sentenced by the judicial organization of the armed forces, 1,765 cases were among those sentenced by the judiciary (other than execution), 449 cases were among those sentenced Government punishments and 8 cases are also related to Article 20 of the Amnesty Code.

He stated: 188 of the mentioned cases are women and 21 are security convicts.

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