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Judiciary »The launch of the production line of closed and semi-industrial units is emphasized by the Supreme Leader

Chief Justice of Markazi Province:

The Chief Justice of Markazi Province stated: The launch of the production line of industrial units is closed or semi-production is emphasized by the Supreme Leader.

According to the Central Province Justice Public Relations, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims, Seyed Abdul Mahdi Mousavi, the Chief Justice of Markazi Province, during a one-day visit to Nobaran city and on the sidelines of a visit to Nobaran Industrial Town, said: According to the Supreme Leader’s order And we see the leap of production as central to the judiciary, and in this regard it must consider serious guidelines.

He said: “Production units should not stop production under the pretext of economic problems and ownership by banks, while this is one of the serious emphases of the Supreme Leader.”

The Chief Justice of Markazi Province continued by stating that unfortunately in Nobaran Industrial Park more than 60% of production units are inactive: but the activity of some units is a place of hope that there is a window of hope in the production cycle in this industrial town and needs strengthening.

Mousavi stated: The main problem of this industrial town is the lack of electricity and there is an urgent need to build a 63 kW substation to continue the activities of the units.

He said: “Achieving a leap in production requires cooperation and coordination between agencies to provide conditions for investment and facilitative decisions in this area.”

The Chief Justice of Markazi Province emphasized on seriously examining the situation of inactive units in Nobaran Industrial Town to support and revive this unit.

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