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Judiciary » The necessity of developing skills training in prisons as an important pillar of reform and education

In the meeting of the heads of prisons and technical and professional organization, it was raised:

In the joint meeting of the head of the organization of prisons and security and educational measures and the head of the technical and vocational organization of the country, the necessity of qualitative development of vocational training in the country’s prisons was emphasized.

According to the public relations report of the prisons organization and security and training measures, the head of the prisons organization, in a meeting with Ali Atzwa Hashemi, said: skill training and empowerment of prisoners to be absorbed in the labor market after release is one of the pillars of correctional and educational programs in prisons. .

Haj Mohammadi, expressing the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader regarding prisons and the way prisoners are kept, said: In the statements of those dignitaries, the definitions of university and school were used for prisons, so we should also aim to reach It should be a point where prisons have become schools of goodness in the real sense.

The head of the prisons organization stated: Contrary to the belief of some who think that a prisoner cannot be reformed, we believe that a prisoner can not only be trained but can also become a role model.

He further added: One of our programs is skill training for prisoners, because we believe that if we provide the opportunity for skill training combined with educational programs for the prisoner, he can return to a healthy and happy life.

The head of the prisons organization added: Prison is an opportunity to serve and we are trying to provide this opportunity for different people, especially jihadi groups, to participate in this cause.

The head of technical and professional organization of the country also pointed to the place of skill in people’s life and said: skill is the main basis of life and having basic life skills can pave the path of human happiness.

Pointing out that the prison is a place for reform, he said: We must increase the quality level of skill training for prisoners.

Ali Azwaz Hashemi stated: We are ready for any cooperation for the development of skill training in prisons.

Stating that we have two types of hard skills and soft skills, he said: What is more important and lasting is soft skills, which include professional ethics, management ability, how to network, etc., and these are the assets at work.

The head of the technical and professional organization emphasized the need to change the view on the category of skill training and said: skills should not be sacrificed for degrees. We must pay attention to the effects of programs and move from mere certification to real certification.

In the final part of his speech, Hashemi emphasized the necessity of full monitoring of prisoners’ skill training programs and their productivity.

In this meeting, the vice president of health, corrections and education of the country’s prisons and the director general of the employment and vocational training planning office presented reports on the state of employment and vocational training in the country’s prisons.

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