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Judiciary » Today, one of the biggest denials is that some people have used the category of human rights as a tool for their world-eating and domineering goals and ambitions.

Head of the Judiciary in the 7th Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity Awards:

The head of the judiciary said: Studying the history of Western human rights claimants proves that they have committed all kinds of crimes against people and natives during different periods in all parts of the world, from Algeria to African countries and India, and this criminality and the extremist approach of these claimants False human rights continues today and we have seen this issue in cases like Abu Ghraib prison where they committed crimes that even wild animals refuse to commit these crimes.

According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Judiciary, Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimin Mohseni Ajei today, Tuesday, August 11, during a speech at the 7th Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity award ceremony, while offering his condolences on the arrival of Muharram to all the freedom seekers of the world, he said: We hope that the result of holding Such meetings should be a step towards the advancement of Islam, human beings and human rights.

The head of the judicial system continued to consider intelligence and wisdom as one of the most privileged features of man among the divine creations and stated: If man uses his God-given intellect and wisdom, he will ask himself why he was created, where is his ultimate destination and What route should he take to reach that destination?

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Mohseni Ajei stated that man, human dignity and human rights have a high position and value from the point of view of Islam and all monotheistic and divine religions, he said: Man with his God-given nature and with the intellect that God gave him He can ascend to the highest and create a peaceful life with dignity, security, dignity, peace and serenity for himself and others in this world.

Stating that it is not possible to talk about human rights without knowing the human being and without having a correct definition of human being, the head of the judiciary said: If a human being follows the path of his God-given nature and the destination and purpose for which he was created If it deviates, it can be more dangerous to its fellows than any predatory animal.

قاضی‌القضات‌ در ادامه دلیل تفاوت غرب با اسلام در تعریف حقوق بشر را تفاوت نگاه در مقوله‌هایی همچون مبدأ آفرینش انسان، هدف آفرینش انسان و کرامت انسان دانست و با اشاره به آیه «وَلَقَدْ کَرَّمْنَا بَنِی آدَمَ وَحَمَلْنَاهُمْ فِی الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ وَرَزَقْنَاهُمْ مِنَ الطَّیِّبَاتِ وَفَضَّلْنَاهُمْ عَلَیٰ کَثِیرٍ مِمَّنْ Khalqna Tafseila” said: God Almighty has special interpretations regarding the creation of man, which cannot be found in other creations.

The Head of the Judiciary further pointed to the lesson that Imam Hussein (AS) taught the world throughout history in the field of human dignity and freedom by not accepting the call of a cruel and oppressive ruler.

The head of the Judiciary further stated: Today, many human rights claimants do not provide a correct definition of human and human dignity, and unfortunately, they are trying to impose their false words and false definition on the whole world, and they call it the defense of freedom and human rights. .

The head of the judicial system clarified: Today, the western leaders, especially the Americans, announce with their arrogance that every person and country that is not on our front and has an independent approach, is considered our enemy and must surrender to us, and if this is not the case, they will resort to terror and They commit a crime against that person or country, and this attitude of criminality and terrorism is the main logic of the false claimants of human rights.

Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Mohseni Ajei, referring to the approach of Islam in the issue of human rights and even the approach that Islam has in the category of defense against the enemy, stated: Studying the history of Western human rights claimants proves that they have been in different parts of the world during different periods of history. From Algeria to African countries and India, they have committed all kinds of crimes against people and natives, and this criminality and treacherous approach of these false claimants of human rights continues today, and we witnessed this issue in cases such as the Abu Ghraib prison, where they committed crimes. Even wild animals refuse to commit these crimes.

The head of the Judiciary continued by appreciating the positions of Dr. Mandela and the apartheid interpretation of his Zionist regime in this meeting, and said: The Zionists commit the worst crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine and the false claimants of human rights are either silent in the face of these crimes or They are engaged in supporting these heinous and criminal actions.

Referring to the crimes of the ISIS terrorist group and the role of Washington in the formation of this group, according to the confession of high-ranking American officials, the head of the judicial system said: the approach of cultivating terrorism and using terrorists as a tool to achieve worldly goals and ambitions is one of the main goals of the domination system and the arrogant world. .

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Mohseni Ajeei, referring to the distortion of human rights themes by Westerners, stated: Today, Westerners are playing with the holy word of human rights and are busy using human rights as a tool; Today, under the pretext of violating human rights, they are occupying, encircling, and embargoing independent countries, and on the other hand, they are also allowing the worst crimes against different generations of people.

He clarified: Westerners claim to support human rights in a situation where they allow the highest cruelty and violation of rights even against their own people.

While appreciating the founders and custodians of the Islamic Human Rights Day, the head of the Judiciary said: We should not limit the broad category of Islamic human rights to holding a conference in one day, but we should throughout the year explain the positions of Islamic human rights and expose the crimes of the regime. American-Zionist domination and arrogance against people from all corners of the world, let’s be diligent.

He clarified: Despite the efforts made in the past years, we still have not been able to properly explain the achievements of Islamic human rights and the way Islam looks at the category of human rights, as well as the crimes that the Western-Zionist rulers and arrogant people allow against people. to explain

The head of the judicial system stated: Today, one of the biggest denigrations is that some people have used the category of human rights as a tool for their world-consuming and domineering goals and ambitions, and under the shadow of human rights claims, they commit the biggest crimes, so we are responsible for this conspiracy of arrogant and domineering explain and reveal to the world continuously.

Before the speech of the head of the Judiciary, “Ghoribabadi”, the secretary of the human rights headquarters, “Amir Abdallahian”, the minister of foreign affairs, Al Jazeera reporter, on behalf of the family of “Shirin Abu Aqleh” and “Mandela Mandela”, the grandson of “Nelson Mandela” and a member of the South African Parliament. They gave a speech on human rights and presented stories of widespread violation of human rights by the Western and Zionist system of domination and arrogance.

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