Banking and insuranceEconomical

Leap of performance indicators of Bank Melli Iran

As the information in the bank’s financial statements shows, the total assets of Bank Melli Iran last year increased by 60% compared to the previous year.

Also, the total deposits received by this bank have increased by more than 34%, which shows the unprecedented trust of the people in this bank from the heart of society.

The response of Bank Melli Iran to this trust has been the growth of payment facilities by more than 27% in one year, as these facilities have been used to set up economic enterprises, production units, youth marriages, and so on.

Such growth becomes significant when we know that the share of Bank Melli Iran in the total payment facilities of the banking system in 1399 was more than 20%.

The performance of Bank Melli Iran in reducing costs is also significant, so that with the development of electronic banking and equipping it with various advanced online and offline systems, the number of employees has decreased by more than 1400 people in the year ending 1399. .

The reduction of low-yield branches and their merger with adjacent branches, which results in the release of locked resources and its injection into current resources for payment of facilities, has also been a boom, so that during the year, the bank has succeeded in 180 branches Remove.

It is obvious that many branches of Bank Melli Iran are not economically profitable, but this bank has kept these branches active based on its government duties and in order to provide government services to the people.

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