Marriage and familysocial

Look at having children through the eyes of investment!

Fars News Agency Community Group“I love my wife and child, but I wish I had not become a mother” is a phrase that may be one of the most frequent words of troubled mothers who are in the difficult challenges of having children and ask themselves, “Should I really have had children?”

In a psychological report, the Guardian reported on mothers who, despite their love for their spouses and children, wish to return to their single years and have somehow longed to return to that time, and of course feel guilty about it. They did not feel very happy even when they think about the past, but they have not yet been able to accept the current difficult situation and adapt to it, and therefore suffer from a guilty conscience.

“I wholeheartedly say that mothers with children have both hands full, and this is not easy at all,” said Philippa Perry, a psychologist and author of the report. I know that among the joys of your children’s first smiles, steps and even words, there is a lot of insomnia and hardships and troubles, and you have not neglected any part of motherhood. But try to see it as a love investment in the future. This look both makes a mother more valuable to you and can make her hardships more bearable.

The report goes on to say that according to some doctors, the feeling of resentment towards the children is not surprising, and it is natural for a mother to wish for the past. Because motherhood is a day and night without holidays, and to some extent, having children can be attributed to watching football. When nothing happens for 90 minutes, but your team scores in the last minute and you happily come out of the stadium and tell yourself it was a good game. This makes you forget to stand for hours in the cold and tired and just cling to the joy of flowers. So when you are in the difficult days of parenting, you should think about the time when the game has not scored yet and know that in the end you will get something more back than before.

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