Marriage is the perfection of every human being’s life – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Alamulhadi recited the khutbah for the marriage ceremony of 55 young couples that took place today at noon in Sheikh’s portico. Tusi Motahar Razavi Shrine was held, he said: You all know that today’s life situation is different from the past and we are in a situation where the issue of luxuries and rituals is a heavy burden that creates bitterness for every husband and wife at the beginning of life as far as we can say. A luxurious and magnificent wedding is enjoyable and sweet only for those who have attended the ceremony, but it will be nothing but trouble and trouble for the bride and groom and their families.
The representative of the jurist in Khorasan Razavi added: In this situation, Aghamadadi who has just started a married life and is supposed to bear the heavy burden of life, if he wants to go under a heavy burden from the beginning, he imposes a severe psychological, spiritual and intellectual burden on that life, of course, none of them have anything to do with their lives And only at the cost of the enjoyment of a few viewers, its concern is brought to this new family.
He pointed out: these heavy expenses will neither interfere in your destiny nor have an effect on your happiness, therefore, you young couples have decided by removing these unnecessary luxuries, in the presence of the 8th Imam.A) May you be honored to start your happy and prosperous life in the shadow of His Highness, in full happiness and success, it will make your existence a model for all young people and we hope that eventually, the work will reach a place where all our dear sons and daughters will not suffer. And get rid of the worry of exorbitant expenses caused by luxury at the beginning of a joint life.
Ayatollah Alam Al-Hadi continued: Marriage is a reality in the life of every human being and the turning point of his life. In the sense that it can be like a rebirth and therefore for this man and woman when marriage happens, it is as if they are reborn and with this union they reach perfection; There are many narrations in this load It exists and therefore, it can be said that a man’s wife is a part of his existence and the source of a person’s evolution.
The representative of the jurist in Khorasan, Razavi, referring to verse 21 of Surah Mubarakeh Rum, stated: It is marriage that brings a person to the position of guardianship and provides the basis for growth in such a way that a person can be responsible for raising children in the future. However, always pay attention to the fact that God Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:And I verses it creator Lakum Who are your spouses?It means that God created a wife for you from your species, and this is where it can be said that everyone is a stranger, and it is only a wife who is from the species of man, a salve for his wounds, and a companion of man’s hardships and eases.
He emphasized: In this load Even your brother and sister who are of the same blood as you and the mother and father who raised you from childhood are not of your gender, and this “being yourself” is specific to the existence of a human wife. Quran says that your husband is you. Your woman is you. This self-being is the center of everything in married life. With these interpretations, does a person get upset with himself? If your eye hurts, do you punch your eye or, on the contrary, try to find a salve for it?
“Being yourself“, the foundation of happiness
Ayatollah Alam Al-Hadi said: As long as this Being yourself is going on, whether the facilities are few or many, husband and wife will remain friends and companions of each other and life will be in its most enjoyable state, but when this Being yourself If it is lost between husband and wife, even if the peaks of wealth and power are conquered, life is still unbearable for the couple.
The representative of the religious jurist in Khorasan, Razavi said: All of you gentlemen should know that your wife, before this marriage, young girl It has been that his mother has been in charge of everything in his life. On the other hand, all of you girls should know that your husband was a young man before marriage who was provided with food and sleep in his father’s house and no one demanded any income or expenses from him. In this situation, marriage is the beginning of the responsibility period of a young girl with a young boy, which should end with management in the case of a woman and sponsorship in the case of a man. This is where we recommend that men bear the lack of management and women the lack of income of their spouses at the beginning of their lives and know that if you build together at the beginning of life, this building together will lead to the greatest progress and perfection in the rest of your life.