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Metavars opens its feet to the television with “Galaxy” – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, one of the most important drivers of Metavars technology is simultaneous activities and competitions based on the combined realities of AR and VR. In this regard, the audience of the “Galaxy” contest, which is broadcast during the Nowruz period on the Panj Sima network, can install a competition application in each episode to solve a number of physical and puzzle challenges of the contestants through the TV screen and AR technology or Experience augmented reality.

In this way, at the same time as the relevant sections of the TV program, they move their mobile phone towards the TV screen and interact and compete by watching the three-dimensional object protruding from the TV screen. The most important point of this software is that its competition is online and all the audience of the program competes at the same time and at the end their software wallet is charged and they receive prizes. Also, the creators of the contest have considered 150 million Tomans for the winners of the application games during Nowruz.

Metavars, which consists of the two keywords Meta (meaning Fara) and Universe (meaning the world) and translated into Persian as “Farajahan”, entered a new phase in 2021 with the change of Facebook’s brand to Meta. One of Meta’s first experiences in the field of metavars was the use of Aquilus glasses with MR technology or augmented reality, which was also used for the first time in a TV show in one of the challenges of the “Galaxy” competition called the Black Hole. has taken. In this way, the participant puts the “Aquilus” glasses, which are introduced in the competition called “Dreamers”, on his eyes and enters a prisoner’s dream, and the riddle of that prisoner while holding the “Aquilus” glasses. , Solves.

Audiences can receive this software by sending the number 5 to 10008484 or through the contest site at The “Galaxy” contest, performed by Nima Fallah during the Nowruz period, will be broadcast every night at 24:30 on the Panj Sima network from April 1.

The gala teaser of the “Galaxy” contest Here look.

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