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Microsoft supports the iMessage app on Windows 11

In February, Microsoft began testing iMessage on Windows through its Phone Link app.

According to Aetna and quoted by 9to5mac, the company now says that it will roll out this feature to all Windows 11 users. While this news may sound exciting, there are some notable drawbacks to Microsoft’s iMessage experience.

Advantages and Disadvantages iMessage In Windows
You probably know that the latest version of Phone Link for Windows and iOS uses Bluetooth to connect your iPhone and Windows PC to send SMS texts and iMessages.

Although the user can send and receive both types of iPhone text messages from Windows, there are some limitations:
– Your full message history will not be synced, you will only see messages “sent or received using Phone Link”.
– You cannot send photos or videos in messages
– Group conversations are not supported
– All messages appear in gray

Since this is not an official iMessage integration in Windows, Apple may decide to block this feature from supporting Microsoft’s Phone Link. However, with the official launch of this feature, it seems that Microsoft has accepted this potential challenge.

App accessibility Phone Link To iOS and Windows 11
In an official blog post, Microsoft announced the release of Phone Link for iOS and Windows 11 with iMessage support as follows:

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Microsoft Phone Link for iOS on Windows 11 to our global audience in 39 languages ​​in 85 markets. We recently announced that Windows 11 is expanding our Phone Link feature to connect your Windows 11 PC and iOS mobile device with the goal of removing the barriers between your phone and PC and making it easier to connect with the people you care about. If you have, activate it.

Despite the limitations of Phone Link’s iMessage support, Microsoft says it’s heard positive feedback such as “It’s exactly what I was hoping for on my Windows PC.”

Although the feature is rolling out, the company says it will take until “mid-May” to be available to everyone worldwide.

You can from these links Phone Link for Windows from Microsoft And iOS in the App Store Download the

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