Mother living in Denmark: Abduction of immigrant children by Western countries is a natural thing

According to the art reporter of Fars news agency, the documentary “Child Thief” was released in September of this year in the Safir Films of the Art Field; A documentary about Dariush Heydari, a child with autism who was separated from his mother by the Danish government and entrusted to a Danish family.
Hamideh Sola, the mother of the child whose life story is based on the documentary “Chief Thief”, says that the Danish government has taken custody of their child from them and entrusted his custody to a Danish family.
Dariush Heydari is an Iranian child who has been separated from his parents for 4 years by the Danish government for false reasons, and Hamida’s efforts to return his child to Iran have been unsuccessful and have not led to any results.
An attempt to show the oppression of Dariush Heydari and his family
According to the producers, the documentary “Chief Thief” is an attempt to show the oppression of Dariush Heydari and his family, and it is hoped that with public screenings of this documentary in domestic and foreign festivals and publication in the virtual space, a stream will be provided for Dariush’s release and his return to the country. .
Ali Momenpour, the director and producer of the documentary “Child Thief” says that the making of this documentary took about 2 years, but only about 20 days were filmed. The reason for the long interruptions in the production of the work is that for this work, various people have sat on the floor and followed up the issue of Dariush’s return from various sources.
The director and producer of the documentary “Chief Thief” said about the subject of this documentary: We saw in the news that a mother needed help, and since I was working in the field of documentary, I decided to help this mother by pursuing this case. During the follow-up of this case, we also dealt with other families who had a similar situation, but since the follow-up of this case did not reach anywhere, we are unable to respond to these families.
Regarding the behavior of the Danish government with families whose children are separated from them, Momenpour stated: Families who are separated from their children due to various problems can, at the discretion of the relevant expert who gave this order, once in a while, with Their children can have visits, but if they behave suspiciously with that system during this period, they will stop visiting their children forever. It took about 2 years to make the documentary, but we had about 20 days of filming; For this purpose, we sat down with different people and followed up on the issue of Dariush’s withdrawal from different authorities. For this purpose, the coordination and meeting with the officials prolonged the work.
Due to the short stay in Iran, we could not start the treatment
After finding out about the matter, the Danish government took Dariush’s guardianship from us and gave him custody to a Danish family.
Hamideh Salah, the mother of the child whose life story is based on the documentary “Chief Thief”, in response to the question “Why did Dariush get separated from his family?” He said: When I married my wife, because she lived in Denmark, we had to immigrate to this country with her. We had a child who, at 10 months, we found out that he has disorders in walking, behavior and speaking. To diagnose Dariush’s disease, we brought him to Iran and found out that he is suffering from autism, but due to his short stay in Iran, we could not start the treatment in Iran.
Hamideh Salah, mother of Dariush Heydari
He continued: We went to Denmark and presented the medical documents to the Danish doctors; After learning about the matter, the Danish government took Dariush’s guardianship from us and entrusted him to a Danish family. There are many people like Dariush in the world, whose governments entrust their custody to other families and they are separated from their families, but the authorities of the countries probably ignore the follow-up of these cases due to the interference of these cases with the national interests and relations between different countries. and ignore them.
Normalization of child abduction in western countries
He added: Kidnapping of immigrant children by Western countries is a normal and natural thing that is happening for various reasons, including illness, which was publicly raised by Mrs. Mette Fredriksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark in 2020.
According to the mother of the child abducted by the Danish government, according to Hamidah Salah, according to the country’s newspapers, approximately 30,000 to 40,000 children are separated from their families every year due to the strictness of Western governments in qualifying parents to keep children.
97% of abducted children are wrongfully and unjustly taken from their families, and 4 out of every 5 children who are separated from their families are immigrants.
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