New registration of subsidies will begin soon – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr news agency, government spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi spoke by telephone with the “No Scratch” program on the subject of subsidy reform.
The transcript of the government spokesman’s interview is as follows:
Eliminate the most lucrative decile from receiving subsidies
Bahadori Jahromi stated that according to the law, the government was obliged to receive subsidies from high-income deciles. step by step “Simultaneously with the justification of subsidies, the first decile of the country’s high-income population, ie the 10% of the country’s highest-income population, were excluded from receiving subsidies because subsidies are given according to the middle and lower classes of society,” he said.
He referred to the protests of some citizens against their removal from the subsidy recipients and their request for review He stated: “There may be some mistakes in the databases of the Ministry of Welfare or one person’s personal account is managed by another person who for this reason Must be transparent In this case And naturally will be corrected.
President’s emphasis on addressing popular protests over subsidies
In a telephone interview with Goftogo radio, the government spokesman announced the president’s order to address the protests of the people who were not subsidized and said: “The president emphasized that within a year, Month There should be an investigation and after receiving additional information, the people should review the right to receive subsidies.
He stated that 90% of the country’s population will be eligible for subsidies, adding that only 10% of the buildings will be removed. Of course, some people because of active Absence system Register To receive from 1393 Registration subsidy They have not been named, they have not been able to receive subsidies during these years Register And therefore specified Did not Whether these people are entitled to subsidies or not.
Bahadori Jahromi, announcing that the subsidy will be paid to the accounts of individuals in the first month, at the same time, said: Of course, it is not possible to withdraw so that an investigation can be carried out, and if it is found that there is a problem in the investigation Man There is, subsidies are activated and withdrawn for them.
The spokesman of the thirteenth government set the main goal in economic reform Development Justice in the payment of government subsidies, he added: “Previously, anyone who had a better financial situation, the possibility of receiving more from Subsidy Found. Tenth Tenth Society Near Subsidies to 28 times the poorer decile of society benefited.
He gave an example: a person who eats four servings of chicken a week benefits four times more than other people; While this path should be reversed and someone with lower financial capacity should naturally receive more subsidies.
Bahadori Jahromi, stating that in order to eliminate the tenth decile, various information data should be used as a basis for evaluating Wide “How much is a family financially capable?” He said. “These families live together, and therefore the basis of the whole family’s assessment is to support families who are less able.”
Weakness in decile with equal payment of subsidies ها Will be resolved
He added: “Anyone who has a request for a review of the decile, the requests will be registered and processed.” Of course it is possible to decipher ها Will change over time and will still be available for review.
Government spokesman in a telephone interview with Radio Goftgoo pointed out the possibility of small weaknesses in the decile ها He stated: The first to third deciles will receive a subsidy equivalent to 400,000 Tomans, and the fourth to ninth deciles will receive 300,000 Tomans as a subsidy for each person. So it does not matter who in دهک Be fourth or ninth, because you will receive the same amount of subsidy in each case. Therefore, if there is a weakness in the deciles, it will be eliminated with this same payment, and only the tenth decile will be the subject of discussion.
In response to a text message from one of the listeners of the radio talk show about He pointed to the high prices under the pretext of eliminating subsidies: the necessary measures have been taken in this regard. By running delete Subsidies Four items, it was announced that prices will increase gradually. At this time, we faced queues because people wanted to buy goods at the old price. This increased the demand for consumption, while it was even possible for those families to use oil and chicken Need Do not have.
Bahadori Jahromi added: “Production groups requested that the subsidy allocated to oil or chicken be calculated and deposited in the people’s subsidy account, and that all sales be made at the new price so that there would be no problems between the buyer and the seller.”
Coming Soon Register New subsidies begin
He’s about a text message from another listener of the program Register New subsidies said: since 1393 Register Unfortunately, nothing new has happened, and this backwardness in these years must be compensated. Soon, information will be provided via SMS and the relevant system link. People should not worry about this because the government knows who received the subsidy and who did not. At this stage, the people are currently registering their protest, and at the next stage, the protest cases will be considered in detail.