Not finding a suitable partner is one of the main reasons for young people not getting married – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr news agency, Hojjatul Islam Reza Ezzatzamani said in a press conference on the presentation of the report on the actions and plans of the Jamiat headquarters and the unveiling of Omid Aindeh magazine as the first magazine dedicated to Jamiat and the family: in a period for better development and development of the country and better distribution of facilities It was decided to implement the issue of population control as a law, which was the right decision in the first years and things progressed and the issue of population control reached its primary goals.
The head of the family and population cultural headquarters of the Islamic Propaganda Organization added: This issue should have been stopped since the 80s, and before we reached a crisis in this field, the Supreme Leader warned about 20 years ago that the conditions at that time were sufficient to control the population and Today the rules and systems arranged to have the growth of the population and discussed about the number and axes of the subject. But this issue was not taken into consideration and this issue was not addressed in the government, but this issue will become a crisis in the country in the future.
Ezzatzamani said: “The youth law of the population was approved in various economic and cultural fields to support, support and use the capacities of the country and the people to fight this crisis and it has made achievements in this field.”
He referred to the Islamic Propaganda Organization as a promoter of the issue of population and family in the field of propaganda and said: the training of missionary groups, the formation of related propaganda groups, which was formed in cooperation with the Ministry of Sports and other groups, and in the field of education, a set of educational topics was prepared. has been seen.
The head of the family and community cultural staff of the Islamic Propaganda Organization from making films in the arms of divorce with the focus on divorce and Fragrant focusing on the role of the child and the new series, as well as Pa Beh Mah music and 10 promotional book titles in the context of the role of the child, the family and the youth of the population, this organization informed and said: in the field of art, to create infrastructure and fields related to this issue, including Actions were taken to build art campuses for children.
He added: This year, the Islamic Propaganda Organization will participate more in the 100 film festival with the theme of family. More than 100 works, surveys and actions have been carried out in the fields of culture, art and media in the field of the youth of the population.
Ezzat Zamani said: The youth law of the population with all the capacities it creates and the financial support it has, but what is the main knot in having children It is a change in the mental attitude of the people, and a more transcendent view should be created in the sets of policymakers in this field.
Budget poverty is rampant in cultural institutions
Ezzat Zamani also related to the role of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology regarding family issues having children He said: This issue is a comprehensive issue, not only in the matter of the family and the youth of the population, but education should take this burden off its shoulders. Efforts are made in education, but this is a complicated issue in our big society. The will and capacity of friends should be used to some extent in this field.
He added: during the previous minister of education, for employment There were several thousand conversations between breeding coaches. We hope to establish these connections in the new group. We know the difficulties of working in this field and we announced suggestions for growth and excellence in this field.
Ezzat Zamani continued: Each student was told a number for cultural work, which was like two thousand tomans. This is also the case in education. Every Iranian received 10,000 to 15,000 tomans per capita. These are funny numbers. In many developed countries, this budget is equal to ours for a few years, but with Hoochi Gary They focus on the issue of culture.
He added: The budget capacity in cultural institutions is weak, and there is rampant budget poverty in cultural institutions. Cultural budget per capita is not comparable anywhere in the world. We have cultural economy and economic culture, if we pay attention to it, we will be a rich country. Cultural capitals are actually economic capitals all over the world and they spend money on them.
Not finding a suitable partner is one of the main reasons for young people not getting married
Ezzat Zamani said about Hamsan Ghazini: Note to Article 37 of the joint cooperation between the Advertising Organization and the Ministry of Sports in order to grant an official license for Hamsan Ghazini centers. in consideration taken, but one of the main reasons for young people not getting married is not finding a suitable partner, and some people have abused this space and by not complying with the legal requirements and abusing the conditions, they have created channels that are not approved by us, and if there is a collection other than Failure to comply with these conditions and laws will be dealt with by legal and security authorities.
Ezzat Zamani added: 70 large collections have been licensed in this field and approval has been issued for them, and they will be interviewed and evaluated in the field, and this issue will be examined by a committee consisting of experts, so that they can operate in the form of a trade union.
He said: Islamic Propaganda Organization has unavoidable payments; Among other things, for clerics who are active in the outskirts of cities and are engaged in missionary work in difficult living and social conditions, but the law speaks of 30% of the fifth chapter, while more than this, it is spent on the family issue, which can be reported to related collections. is a collection called poisonous For environmental advertising, it has been formed so that collections can share their capacities there, and people can also share their needs and ideas in this system.
Financial problem in having children It is not the main problem
He stated that in the matter having childrenHe pointed the finger of accusation not at the people, but at the people in charge: the financial issue is the main issue having children is not. At having childrenThe cultural issue is a priority and we are obliged to talk to the people. not only having children In all issues, knots are opened by the people. Spending in the family is not an expense but an investment.
At the end of this meeting, the Omid Eindeh magazine, the first specialized publication of the population and family, was unveiled.