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One million and 400 thousand students will join the Red Crescent by the end of the year – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency; Mohammad Golfhan in this time He said: Each of the public education trainers of the Red Crescent Society will be introduced to the country’s schools in the 3 months of this winter and will teach the basic principles of first aid by attending the classrooms of primary and secondary schools.

He added: Also, each of the trainers will identify 112 interested students and make them members of the Red Crescent. Newly enrolled students will also undergo additional training next year to teach their peers, i.e. other school students, the ability to teach first aid and face hazards.

Golfashan continued: This year, general education coaches will play the leading role, and in the next stage, each of the students in the 112-person teams will be active as educational ambassadors of the Red Crescent.

The head of the youth organization emphasized: The Deputy of Education, Research and Technology of the Red Crescent Society will participate in the organization of this plan in such a way that it will provide content, technical support and providing trainers.

The head of Red Crescent Society said last month: This year is the year of maximum recruitment of volunteers and members. Next year we will focus on imparting additional training to new members and we will benefit from the services of these forces in 1403.

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