Chastity and hijabsocial

Planning to produce several movies on the topic of chastity and hijab – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the Public Relations and Information Center of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Mahdi Esmaili, Minister of Culture, who was present at the worshipers of the Al Yassin Mosque in Tehran on the occasion of the government week, stated that the central slogan of the government in the field of culture, “Movement to return to mosques”, he said: The mosque is the main base of the revolutionary government, because we owe the victory of the Islamic revolution to the mosque and the people of the mosque.

He listed the mosques as the main core of the Islamic revolution and stated: The members of the revolutionary government consider culture to be dependent on the dynamics of the cultural activities of mosques, Bekaa Mutbaraka and Imamzadegan, and they pay special attention to the gathering centers of believers.

Esmaili said: The Ministry of Culture has set the slogan of its activities as the movement to return to mosques because we believe that the cultural and artistic activities of the country should return to the beating heart of the religious sphere and the mosque should become the center of cultural and artistic activities.

He pointed out: The more the country’s cultural and artistic activities move away from the local and religious demands, the more difficult it will be to manage affairs, so that if we move cultural and artistic programs away from mosques, we will face obstacles in the way of achieving the sublime goals of culture.

The Minister of Culture continued: The people’s government is seeking to realize cultural justice, and accordingly, the necessary infrastructures must be provided to witness the flourishing of the talents of the young generation in the country, therefore, we must carefully plan the capacity of the mosques’ artistic cultural centers along with other original infrastructures. and the people should be used, and there is no other way to achieve this lofty goal than to revive the movement of returning to the mosque.

He emphasized: Without a doubt, the flourishing of young talents and excellence in the field of culture is formed by the enthusiastic presence of young people in mosques, and it causes the people of culture and art not to forget the authentic and native values.

He further stressed on the creation of synergies between the facilities of various institutions and popular networks and noted: the huge facilities and capacities of 26,000 cultural centers of mosques and 7,500 mosques are only a part of the huge capacities of people-oriented networks, which these capacities can be developed with a planned synergy Host popular activities in the cultural and artistic fields of the Revolutionary Front.

In another part of his speech, the Minister of Culture discussed the government’s one-year activities in the field of culture and said: When we took over the management of cultural affairs in the people’s government, the implementation of many laws and regulations was left on the ground. Based on this, by forming several committees, measures have been taken to amend some bylaws.

The member of the Cultural Revolution Council also pointed to the slogan of cultural justice in the revolutionary government and said: The president personally traveled to all the provinces of the country with the members of the government in the past one year and while communicating face to face with the people, he passed important resolutions for the realization of cultural justice. has approved.

In another part of his speech, Esmaili mentioned the issue of “chastity and hijab” and added: “The Ministry of Culture has put a wide range of positive programs on the agenda in the past year, which include facilitating the conditions for the wide supply of chaste clothing, supporting He pointed out the black curtain production factories, the compilation of clothing production regulations with detailed details and planning to produce several movies on the subject of chastity and hijab.

According to this report, the Minister of Culture also said in this meeting while presenting a report on the one-year achievements of the popular government: When the government took over the executive affairs of the country, the daily death toll from Corona was about seven hundred people and less than five million doses of vaccine had been injected. But with the President’s planning and the jihadist activity of the members of the government, this year we experienced days without corona deaths.

Esmaili continued: The revolutionary government took over the country in a very difficult and critical economic situation, but it was able to improve this situation with the right steps, and despite the implementation of the subsidy popularization plan, which was a brave decision, we are facing issues and problems that God and the measures taken, the state of the country’s economy has improved.

It should be mentioned that after the words of the Minister of Culture Mohammad Mahdi Esmaili, a number of worshipers expressed their views and raised questions to the member of the People’s Government delegation in a face-to-face meeting.

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