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Rahmani: People need comedy series / Why do transcendental series have a large audience?

“Saeed Rahmani,” the author of TV series, said in an interview with a Fars News Agency radio and television reporter: “These days, I am mostly teaching and I have plans, none of which have been finalized yet.”

What kind of series does he need today’s TV audience? He stated: There are several parameters in this section, one of them is that the audience should see themselves and their daily lives in those series, which unfortunately is not seen in TV series due to audits.

The author of the series “Lost” continued: The next thing is to show the audience what he likes, not to act as a slogan. On the other hand, the production of comedy series is necessary in our conditions today, and this is a task for producers and directors so that we can improve people’s morale a little.

Rahmani said about the audience’s reception of transcendental TV series: “I believe that people like transcendental works.” The first feature of a series and movie is that it is amazing and the audience is amazed to see it. Therefore, transcendental works have the capacity to amaze the audience. The next point is that the subconscious actions of the people lead to the observance of principles and laws. Like Western works, we can not transcend the story at any cost, and our devil and angel must be the output of verses and hadiths. For example, angels do not have the right to control things and are only whisperers, and the like should be observed.

He continued: “Accordingly, writing a story, while having structural charms, دش has transcendental charms, and if the author can handle it, it will make the audience like him.” This year, after a few years, Mr. Afkhami made a transcendental series for the month of Ramadan and it was criticized, and some sub-stories did not end and were unfinished, and even the transcendental sequences were funny.

The author of the series “Wafa” added: “I remember for the first time in 1990, when a series about the devil was broadcast a lot, I was told to write a series about the angel, and I also wrote the series about the 30th day, which was also broadcast in Ramadan, and Pejman Bazeghi played the role of an angel in this series. I wrote the animated series Dead Dead before, and it didn’t work out well because we had to remove the love story line from the story due to an audit, and its jokes increased.

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