InternationalMiddle East

Razi Archive Magazine was indexed in the PMC citation database

Dr. Rasoul Madani, referring to the importance of indexing journals in the fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, biological sciences and biology in these indexers, said on Tuesday, according to the public relations of the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute: A search called PubMod evaluates medical, veterinary, and life science journals based on certain scientific and technical criteria and, based on that, allows some journals to be indexed in citation databases related to this library. .
He pointed to the technical and qualitative differences between the indexes of PubMed and Medline reference instruments, which causes some magazines to be indexed in Medline and some only in pmc, adding: “Usually, magazines that are in both indexes are considered as special magazines.” It is said that Razi Archive Magazine has been indexed in Medline since 2018, and after maintaining the quality during this period, it became possible to index it in pmc.
The editor-in-chief of Razi Archive Magazine stated that about a year was spent on technical measures and creating the necessary infrastructure for the required xml files and fixing the existing problems. List the last one as valid articles in pmc database.
He continued: “The least advantage that happens with entering a pmc for a magazine is that the readers of this magazine find national and ethnic diversity, thus the magazine is introduced more and the entry of international articles is one of the weaknesses.” Razi Archive Magazine has been in the past years and will be eliminated this way.
Madani stated: In this regard, articles from about 10 new countries, including Germany, France, Luxembourg, India, Egypt, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have been sent to Razi Archive.
He added that this diversity will ultimately increase the number of citations to articles in the Razi Archive: “One of the deadlocks that journals face in entering ISI is the issue of being international and citations that Razi Archive Magazine to Medline and PMC, we will see its impact in the near future, how much performance upgrades and citations will change, and we will certainly enter the ISI given the circumstances we have.
The faculty member of Razi Institute emphasized: This event was the result of the efforts and continuous work of a team in the last 9 years, which we have reached from zero to nearly 100, and we hope that with the continuation of this process, the scientific quality of articles will continue; This issue, which is a very important factor in improving quality, requires the worthy efforts of faculty members and other researchers in the country.
Referring to the history of Razi Archive Journal, he said: “This journal is the first scientific research journal in the country and the Middle East with a history of more than 84 years;” We must look at it as a national asset and strive to preserve, protect and promote it.
Madani pointed out: At the beginning of the establishment of Politics Magazine, it was intended that only the results of research and studies of researchers within the institute be published in this journal, but now it has reached a point where the number of clients, contacts and submitters of articles to Razi Archive has reached more than 27 countries. Is.
Pointing out that during the last 84 years, we may have sometimes seen a slowdown in the magazine, but its routine has always been growing, he said: .
The editor of Razi Archive Magazine stated that this journal has also been approved in the SID system of scientific research related to Iran, and specified: in the near future, with the elimination of existing problems, this journal will soon be indexed in ISI.

Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute is located in Karaj.


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